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How to make money with Ruby #171

Closed jkotchoff closed 3 years ago

jkotchoff commented 3 years ago

Advice on how to break into the industry with paid rails work and then how to further your career financially. Startup versus corporate, salary versus doing your own thing, building a business and cash flow quadrants. Salary negotiation, employers in Melbourne, making yourself indispensable, and salary-band expectations. Some controversial ideas and some thoughts on how to achieve FIRE - Financial Independence and Retirement Early.

A personal story of a 22 year career writing code both in Australia and Silicon Valley with anecdotes of the birthing of Envato and Red Bubble as well as ideas garnered from smart people I have worked with such as Martin Howell, the technical co-founder of REA and Keith Rabois of Paypal mafia notoriety.

Cashflow Quadrants

georgekettle commented 3 years ago

I think this would be a great topic for ruby melbourne

optimistic-updt commented 3 years ago

@jkotchoff hey there, thank you for submitting a talk. Would you like to present at the next RORO melbourne on the 28th? Cheers,

jkotchoff commented 3 years ago

Hey @CumulusGround, I'll be interstate on July 28th and I'd also like to present this talk at an in-person meetup as opposed to a remote one if that's at all possible? Keen to do it though!

optimistic-updt commented 3 years ago

sure I'll keep you in the loop for in-person. cheers

gerrywastaken commented 3 years ago

@jkotchoff Will it be recorded? Sounds like a very intersting topic.

ponny commented 3 years ago

Super keen!

optimistic-updt commented 3 years ago

@gerrywastaken It definitely will be. Also I'll be looking at streaming it live on the day ;)

jkotchoff commented 3 years ago

I'll be performing this talk remotely for roro-melbourne on Wednesday August 25th:

ponny commented 3 years ago

Wanted to send this to someone. Is it uploaded somewhere? I checked the YouTube channel and didn't see it.

jkotchoff commented 3 years ago

Thanks for publishing @optimistic-updt 🚀

@ponny, the video is published here:

Bookmarks to sections of the talk

0:00 Intro 1:44 Ruby salary bands in 2021 4:12 FIRE 8:30 Recruiters 10:15 Negotiating 11:33 Silicon Valley / Jason's career (retrospectively) 13:20 Startups, understanding who funds them 15:00 Knocking back a job interview at Facebook in 2008 18:56 Working in the United States 20:09 Cash Flow Quadrants (Employee, Self Employed, Business Owner, Investor) 23:17 RSU's & Employee Share Option Plans in Australia 29:41 Envato / Red Bubble at the beginning & their equity for engineers 33:00 Competitive leverage when getting job offers 34:46 Company lifecycles (MVP, Product/Market Fit, Growth, IPO, Maturity, working for Square / Zendesk) 44:30 What makes you employable? 45:23 Time, the most precious thing 47:02 Marty Howell, the technical co-founder of REA who doesn't have time to cook

Links mentioned in the talk

The talk slides:

Ryan Lynch's LinkedIn post about 2021 australian tech salaries:

Vanguard High Growth Index Fund:

A Random Walk Down Wall Street:

Never Split the Difference (book on negotiation):

Never Split the Difference (video masterclass):

Keith Rabois (Silicon Valley) - How to operate manual:

Cashflow Quadrant book:

The 2021 value of pre-IPO equity in Facebook/Square/Zendesk:

Motivation (Eric Thomas - How bad do you want it?):

Motivation (Arnold Schwarzennegger - the speech that broke the internet):

Martin Howell and the founding of REA Group:

Fresho, the next big thing: