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Talk Proposal: Roll Your Own Ruby Type Checking Library #201

Closed tristanpenman closed 1 year ago

tristanpenman commented 1 year ago

The idea for this talk stems from a conversation I had with a colleague, about the ways that one could implement Sorbet's type annotations. I've been experimenting with some different techniques, and think it could be interesting material for a talk at the Ruby meetup.

I've already written up some of this as a blog post, using meta-programming to annotate functions. So the talk would be partly based on that, and partly a follow up that explores some of the challenges of type checking in a language as dynamic as Ruby.

Length: 20-30 mins

optimistic-updt commented 1 year ago

hey Tristan,

Would you be ok for April meetup?

tristanpenman commented 1 year ago

April works well for me.

optimistic-updt commented 1 year ago


optimistic-updt commented 1 year ago

@tristanpenman, Can I keep you in the back pocket for next week? 😓 My planned main speaker is currently not answering me... Let me know if that is an option and I ll aim to confirm by tomorrow.


tristanpenman commented 1 year ago

Hey @optimistic-updt, I can make that work 👍

optimistic-updt commented 1 year ago

Ok i ll confirm tomorrow. Cheers

optimistic-updt commented 1 year ago

hey @tristanpenman , my other speaker came through, let's schdule you for april as originally arranged

tristanpenman commented 1 year ago

All good 👍

optimistic-updt commented 1 year ago

Hey @tristanpenman , still good to do it this week? Can you possibly do it on the Thursday? I might have to move the meetup to Thursday as I'm having problem securing a room.


tristanpenman commented 1 year ago

No worries. Content is all good to go, and either Wednesday or Thursday are okay for me.

tristanpenman commented 1 year ago

Hi @optimistic-updt is this going ahead tonight (Wednesday) or moving to Thursday?

optimistic-updt commented 1 year ago

hi Tristan, Despite best effort to reschedule this week or on the same day. My only earliest possibiliy is next Friday 5th of May.

Would you still be able to attend and speak?

Sorry about the mess around

tristanpenman commented 1 year ago

Totally understand the challenges with meetup admin, having been in that spot a few times myself 😬

5th of May works for me, so I'll keep that free in my calendar.

optimistic-updt commented 1 year ago

Let's lock it in 🔥