rubyaustralia / roro

The Ruby on Rails Oceania (RORO) Sydney meetup
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Hotwire: Lessons learned deploying Turbo & Stimulus in a production app at scale….. #318

Closed tarun-delish closed 1 year ago

tarun-delish commented 1 year ago
Yasmin-A95 commented 1 year ago

Thank you for volunteering to speak at the 15th of Nov meetup. This sounds like a great one! If you need help with anything further info don't hesitate to reach out either by submitting an issue or DMing me / the other organisers. Super glad to have you!

Yasmin-A95 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for giving your talk @tarun-delish I'm keen for part two!

When you get the chance, could you please export your slides to PDF and put them on a slide-sharing platform (Slideshare, SpeakerDeck, etc), then tweet the link to @rorosyd so we can retweet it?