rubyaustralia / roro

The Ruby on Rails Oceania (RORO) Sydney meetup
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Railway Oriented Programming - Patterns of functional programming paradigm #329

Closed arpanlepcha closed 1 year ago

arpanlepcha commented 1 year ago

Thanks for proposing a talk for RORO Sydney!

Please provide the following information:

dkdam commented 1 year ago

Hey @arpanlepcha , your proposal sounds awesome and we're happy to slot your speech in for April's meet-up this month.

cheddachedda commented 1 year ago

Hey @arpanlepcha could we please have your name and a photo so we can put it on our Meetup page and on our slides? Cheers, Dan.

arpanlepcha commented 1 year ago

Hey @cheddachedda certainly, Name: Arpan Lepcha Photo:

cheddachedda commented 1 year ago

Thanks Arpan! See you on Tuesday

cheddachedda commented 1 year ago

Hey Arpan, all good for tonight?

arpanlepcha commented 1 year ago

Hey @cheddachedda , yeah see you today 6.

dkdam commented 1 year ago