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Ultimate Tic Tac Toe with Minimax #332

Closed loudringphone closed 1 year ago

loudringphone commented 1 year ago

Hello RORO!

Unlike the simple Tic Tac Toe that only needs the basic form of minimax, Ultimate Tic Tac Toe requires evaluation board and alpha beta pruning. A maximium depth is also required to determine how far the algorithm will search into the game tree as otherwise it will exhaust all the computational resources. Hopefully I can talk about it in the coming meetup in June.

And for the presentation, I have converted the codes to Ruby!

The game with minimax in Ruby:

In Javascript

The game need some processing power, so for the browser game, try it on Macbook would be more ideal than on a phone.

Best regards, Winston Linkedin:

loudringphone commented 1 year ago

As per Dan's suggestion, it may be better to do an exercism instead.

I found the below two problems fun!