rubyaustralia / roro

The Ruby on Rails Oceania (RORO) Sydney meetup
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Live demo: Build and deploy a Ruby app using Docker and Traefik #347

Open andypalmer opened 1 month ago

andypalmer commented 1 month ago
cheddachedda commented 1 month ago

Hey Andy, we'd love to have you present this next Tuesday, if that's alright with you

25 mins is probably the max that we want a talk going for, mainly to be conscious of people's attentiveness. If you can be conscious of keeping the audience engaged (breaks, interaction, etc.), that'd be handy. We'll provide a timer for you to see during your talk.

Cheers, Dan

andypalmer commented 1 month ago

Hey Dan, No worries. Happy to be there. It's a live-coding thing (mainly because without that, it'd be "Here's the single command to deploy to Docker! Whoop, done!") but the plan is to do this while engaging with the group, so 🤞 I can keep their attention for a pomodoro. Cheers, Andy

cheddachedda commented 1 month ago

Love it! Love some live coding