rubyberlin / code-of-conduct
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Explicitly condem 'sexual language' #168

Open mediafinger opened 6 years ago

mediafinger commented 6 years ago

Hey all, thanks for maintaining this delicate topic.

We are in the process of picking a CoC for our user group. I suggested this one, but one of my co-organizers opposed it, as it does not condemn the use of sexual language explicitly. I quote in here the email he wrote to make his point:

The incident in October was when the presenter said "But now I feel like the male heterosexual porn star trying to grab all the attention while you want to see the real actors.". Unless we decide that words are totally malleable, "harassment" is something which has a target. A presenter addressing the entire audience, talking in general terms, is never harassing anyone. But even if we would redefine language like that, I would say that there is no item on this list that includes use of sexual imagery. If you disagree, please tell me which one would apply.

I've separated the items [of the paragraph that begins with Harassment includes:] to make it easier to read:

The other paragraph under the heading "Unacceptable Behavior", starts ​"Unacceptable behaviors include". I think it is this one that should talk about verbal sexual imagery, and I don't think it does so now.

I won't suggest an exact wording. But if others feel this is worth picking up and including in this CoC, please let me know :-)

bruno-gelb commented 5 years ago

I wholeheartedly agree. This is the argument we were having about Berlin CoC a lot.

mediafinger commented 5 years ago

@nazarov-tech at the end we created our own, much shorter CoC. I have the feeling most people don't read the long ones and they are also repetitive.