rubycdp / cuprite

Headless Chrome/Chromium driver for Capybara
MIT License
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Remote inspector stops test execution #133

Open benjaminwood opened 4 years ago

benjaminwood commented 4 years ago

Is it possible to open a remote inspector session to watch the test go by without interrupting its execution?

I'm not pausing the test (not using page.driver.debug or binding.pry, etc). Simply connecting headed chrome to the headless session with remote inspection stops the test execution. Is this expected? Is there a way to resume test execution once it has stopped?

Thanks for your help!

route commented 4 years ago

@benjaminwood you can try simply type enter and this will resume test from the given point, add slowmo option if everything happens too fast

benjaminwood commented 4 years ago

Hi @route - thanks for following up. Nothing happens when I press the enter key. Do I understand correctly that the test execution is automatically paused when I connect the remote inspector (without the use of page.driver.debug, etc)?

No message is displayed that the test is paused. It just sits there until the timeout limit is reached. I feel that there is something wrong - is there additional information I can provide that'd help make sense of things? I'm running the latest versions of cuprite/ferrum with Ruby 2.3.3 & Rails 4.2 in a cucumber suite.