rubycentral / cfp-app

Rails app for managing a conference CFP
MIT License
223 stars 154 forks source link

website sponsor page #272

Closed codyjamesbrooks closed 2 years ago

codyjamesbrooks commented 2 years ago

Reason for Change

Dynamically display an events sponsors on an events website. This PR enables that to occur in two ways

In order to add the dynamic sponsors footer component to a static page, the page editor will need to create the following element in the page body

<div data-controller="sponsors-footer"  
         data-sponsors-footer-event-slug-value="{ ENTER EVENT SLUG }"


Additional Notes

Who doesn't love a preview

Screen Recording 2022-04-26 at 10 57 48 PM

Yes. I know the flow on my Footer components is a little cringe worthy.... I need to check in with Gina about what she was envisioning there. But for now it does the job. _preview made with production data in a local env