rubycentral / cfp-app

Rails app for managing a conference CFP
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Build a page without navigation ("splash" page) #275

Closed jonsgreen closed 2 years ago

jonsgreen commented 2 years ago

Build a page without navigation ("splash" page)

Reason for Change

From Miro Card:

As a conference goer, I'd like to be able to see when and where the next conference is scheduled to be, far in advance of when other details about the conference have been settled. At a minimum I'd like to know the location (address and map link if possible) and the dates. As a bonus I'd like to be able to add the dates to my calendar of choice.

Note that most of the requirements for this story is being handled by the static content that will be created using the editor in the staff admin. This story just ensures a clean content area is possible without a header and footer when other aspects of the event website are not yet ready or published.


Build a page without navigation ("splash" page)