rubychan / coderay

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coderay executable’s help string is wrong #184

Open Quintus opened 9 years ago

Quintus commented 9 years ago

coderay --help states this:

  coderay file.rb > file.html          # highlight file to HTML page

However, that command generates terminal output. The file.html page contains ANSI escape sequences and no HTML. For an HTML page, only this works:

coderay credits.cpp -page > test.html

This is on ArchLinux 64bit with Ruby ruby 2.2.2p95 (2015-04-13 revision 50295) [x86_64-linux] and CodeRay 1.1.0.

Vale, Quintus

korny commented 9 years ago

Thanks! Does this fix it?

Quintus commented 9 years ago

Yes, that looks good.

Thank you.

Vale, Marvin