rubyforgood / casa

Volunteer management system for nonprofit CASA, which serves foster youth in counties across America.
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Add button for Volunteers to delete case contact drafts #5846

Closed elasticspoon closed 3 months ago

elasticspoon commented 3 months ago

What type(s) of user does this feature affect?


We recently added a feature for drafts of case contacts (/case_contacts).


This was added to make sure that volunteers would not lose progress towards their completion of the form. However, volunteers are having issues with accidentally creating drafts and those polluting their case contact screen.


Volunteers should be able to delete their drafts (we will still keep this as a soft delete just in case.)

Criteria for completion could be solid reference for implementation. We want to soft delete, not full on delete the drafts.

How to access the QA site

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Link to QA site

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password for all users: 12345678

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