rubyforgood / human-essentials

Human Essentials is an inventory management system for diaper, incontinence, and period-supply banks. It supports them in distributing to partners, tracking inventory, and reporting stats and analytics.
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bin/setup broken (as of rails #4373

Closed cielf closed 1 month ago

cielf commented 1 month ago


When running bin/setup on the current main, it breaks when attempting to drop the databasse.

Things to consider

Here are the details:
undefined local variable or method establish_master_connection’ for #<ActiveRecord::Tasks::PostgreSQLDatabaseTasks:0x000000011e9e2450 @db_config=#<ActiveRecord::DatabaseConfigurations::HashConfig:0x000000011d9028b0 @env_name=“development”, @name=“primary”, @configuration_hash={:adapter=>“postgresql”, :encoding=>“unicode”, :host=>nil, :database=>“diaper_dev”, :username=>nil, :password=>nil, :pool=>5, :timeout=>5000}>, @configuration_hash={:adapter=>“postgresql”, :encoding=>“unicode”, :host=>nil, :database=>“diaper_dev”, :username=>nil, :password=>nil, :pool=>5, :timeout=>5000}> Couldn’t drop database ‘diaper_dev’ bin/rails aborted! NameError: undefined local variable or methodestablish_master_connection’ for #<ActiveRecord::Tasks::PostgreSQLDatabaseTasks:0x000000011e9e2450 @db_config=#<ActiveRecord::DatabaseConfigurations::HashConfig:0x000000011d9028b0 @env_name=“development”, @name=“primary”, @configuration_hash={:adapter=>“postgresql”, :encoding=>“unicode”, :host=>nil, :database=>“diaper_dev”, :username=>nil, :password=>nil, :pool=>5, :timeout=>5000}>, @configuration_hash={:adapter=>“postgresql”, :encoding=>“unicode”, :host=>nil, :database=>“diaper_dev”, :username=>nil, :password=>nil, :pool=>5, :timeout=>5000}> (NameError) establish_master_connection ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Did you mean? establish_connection /Users/clfisher/projects/human-essentials/config/initializers/postgres.rb:7:in `drop’ Tasks: TOP => db:drop:_unsafe (See full trace by running task with --trace) == Command [“bin/rails db:reset”] failed ==“(edited)

IIUC , we are overriding ActiveRecord::Tasks::PostgreSQLDatabaseTasks.drop in config/initializers/postgres.rb in development and test.
Our override calls establish_master_connection. This seems to suggest that establish_master_connection is no longer a thing. It lists a newish method: establish_connection which one might surmise is a replacement.

Criteria for Completion

elasticspoon commented 1 month ago

I think that initializer can probably be dropped. Based on the commit that added it, it seems like it was meant to be used with

I have no clue what that is. But based on the website being dead I'm assuming that project is no longer being worked on.

cielf commented 1 month ago

FYI Apparently it is/was "A zero-config Rack server for Mac OS X. It is a self-contained server that runs as a user without root privileges."
The reposotiry for it (basecamp/pow) was archived in 2020. (

I too, expect we've moved on, and that this overriding could be yanked.

elasticspoon commented 1 month ago i think that will do it