rubyforgood / human-essentials

Human Essentials is an inventory management system for diaper, incontinence, and period-supply banks. It supports them in distributing to partners, tracking inventory, and reporting stats and analytics.
MIT License
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Distribution, New. Add Another Item should be activated when storage location chosen, after error. #4438

Open cielf opened 2 weeks ago

cielf commented 2 weeks ago


On Distribution New, if you attempt to save without picking the storage location, and then pick a storage location, the add another item button should be enabled.


Here is a failing sequence, on local, signed in as Steps Navigate to new distribution form: http://localhost:3000/distributions/new Leave all fields blank and click Save -> view will render with validation errors (eg: Storage location must exist, etc) Fill out the form with valid values for Partner and Storage Location Fill in the first item and quantity Click "+ Add Another Item" Expected: Can keep on adding more items Actual: "+ Add Another Item" button is disabled and can't add any more

this is probably happening on donation and purchase too, but we haven't confirmed that.

Criteria for completion

Naraveni commented 2 weeks ago

I would like to work on this

cielf commented 2 weeks ago

Alright. You've got it.