rubyforgood / inkind-admin

A project serving Community Education Partnerships - . This Rails application presents an admin interface for CEP to manage their volunteers and students. And provides a GraphQL backend for .
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Assign Students to a Volunteer #125

Closed garettarrowood closed 2 years ago

garettarrowood commented 2 years ago


As an admin, I need to assign students to my volunteers.

Things to Consider

This will have fancier mocks/autocomplete functionality later. But we have to get the basic functionality up first. So for now, a dropdown of AVAILABLE student names will suffice.

One volunteer has_many students. At any given time, a student only has ONE volunteer. But, they might have a volunteer for year 1-2, then a different one for 3 months, then a 3rd one for 7 years. (We likely need to add effective dates to the student_users table.)

Possible visual representation (NOT A FINAL MOCKUP):

Screen Shot 2021-10-24 at 5 30 03 PM

^ Again - do not labor over styles, because this is not how this will ultimately look. Think about functionality and data first :).

Criteria for Completion

On the Volunteer Edit page: