rubyforgood / inkind-admin

A project serving Community Education Partnerships - . This Rails application presents an admin interface for CEP to manage their volunteers and students. And provides a GraphQL backend for .
MIT License
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# 127 Create Survey Index Page #130

Closed kellyeryan closed 2 years ago

kellyeryan commented 2 years ago

Resolves #127



This adds a survey index page with a table and the following columns:

Name (value not clickable yet) Date Created Responses (not respondents) - Displays number of COMPLETED survey_responses attached to the survey Created By (add creator_id to surveys. Update seed to point at sole admin user for now.) Status (add status enum to surveys. Follow convention on survey_responses.) Actions (but no actions yet)

n.b.: I had the status default to active for the survey because that made sense to me.

Also, I formatted the date like it is in the mock up but we have two other ways of doing dates in the system. We should probably standardize.

Type of change


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