rubyforgood / inkind-admin

A project serving Community Education Partnerships - . This Rails application presents an admin interface for CEP to manage their volunteers and students. And provides a GraphQL backend for .
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Support Ticket Types #97

Closed garettarrowood closed 3 years ago

garettarrowood commented 3 years ago


As an admin, I need to categorize where support tickets come from so that they can be followed up on accordingly.

Things to Consider

There are currently 2 ways to generate support tickets, but there will be three ways. Here are those ways:

  1. Via filling out a survey in the volunteer app, and opting into the feedback option.
  2. Via the admin interface, by clicking "Add Ticket"
  3. (pending) Via filling out a contact information change from the volunteer app. This DOES change the volunteer db stored data, but will need to ALSO generate a support ticket so that CEP knows to update the volunteers contact info in their Volgistics DB.

Analyzing support ticket data means we need to make a clear delineation between these types of ticket creations.

Note: Support Tickets generated from the survey flow in the volunteer app will/should be getting a survey_response_id attached to them.

Criteria for Completion