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Guest users should be able to pledge items #94

Closed leesharma closed 7 years ago

leesharma commented 7 years ago

Part of #77

We decided to go with option 3. From #77:

The strategy above (modals) make it easier to track users, but we'll probably lose people. We could do this the other way, treating pledges like items in a guest shopping cart: the guest pledges the item, is brought to Amazon, and is then prompted to sign in/create an account. Probably many people won't, but we'll still have a record of the pledge (if not a name).


When a guest creates an account from this page, the pledge should be associated with the new user account (like a shopping cart).

Also, like with signed-in users, we also want the pledges to have quantities here:

guest pledge quantity

leesharma commented 7 years ago

Maybe, as a way to let guests see what's going on with their pledges, guest pledges could be publicly accessible if you have the URLs?