rubyforgood / share_christmas

Share Your Holiday Application
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Hack NIght Discussion #119

Open AEgan opened 8 years ago

AEgan commented 8 years ago

Tonight at the Arlington Ruby meetup we discussed where the project currently stands and a way to narrow down scope to move the project forward. One of the problems we kept getting back to is that we started developing features backwards. The main feature we worked out outside of active admin was the point at which a member matches with a recipient. Here is a loose overview of everything that needs to happen before that point:

After all of that, a member can match with a recipient. The main problem was we never built out, either in code or in user stories, how anything before the match worked.

Here is the solution we decided on

  1. Deprecate ActiveAdmin
    • ActiveAdmin allowed us to create a way for someone to do everything, but as a result, we didn't think about how anyone did anything at this foundation level.
    • Removing it will allow us to focus on a solid MVP by making us think about how each step should work. This should result in a more solid, scaleable, and maintainable process
  2. Get rid of Volunteer Center management
    • Having multiple volunteer centers use this app would be a "nice to have", and therefore should be eliminated for an MVP.
    • This will also eliminate a user profile. We don't need to worry about what a volunteer center admin can or can't do. They can do everything, because we will start with 1 volunteer center. This is

This leads us to the three areas we should focus on

Things to think about for a second step:

I will create issues for each of the user stories defined above, and would love to have a discussion about what an MVP should look like. I'd prefer to have that here, in this issue, so that we have an easily accessable way to refer to this discussion.

craig-riecke commented 8 years ago

@AEgan: Thanks for getting this "unstuck". The Volunteer Center management features sound right-on-target.

For the second step, as far as I can tell from Durham Volunteer Center:

atzorvas commented 8 years ago

@AEgan Removing ActiveAdmin and Volunteer Center management shouldn't be issues on their own for the MVP and even better as a clean up before delivering the MPV part 1?

craig-riecke commented 7 years ago

All righty, it looks like we're in agreement that these features are good, so I'm gonna create individual issues for them. I think @atzorvas had the idea of putting the Volunteer Center admin under a controller namespace, and that sounds good to me (we might follow suit with Org Center admin's too -- not sure yet).

craig-riecke commented 7 years ago

Oh two small things, which will get fleshed out in the individual tasks as well: