rubyforgood / shelter-assist

Software to help foster-based animal rescues keep track of their animals and people.
14 stars 13 forks source link

User can click to see more about a dog #109

Open maggie-larkin opened 2 years ago

maggie-larkin commented 2 years ago


User Story

As a foster I want to find out more about this dog I am interested in So that I can decide if its right for me to foster

Acceptance Criteria

GIVEN I am on the “Dogs” page

WHEN I click anywhere on the baseball card for a certain dog

THEN I am taken to that dog’s page
metamoni commented 1 year ago

At the moment, dogs are created from mock data rather than from the actual Dog model. This should be fixed first, to allow the individual Dog page to work properly.

I'm happy to take do the work needed to implement that, as well as to create this "Dog detail" page, but there are a few things that we should clarify about the dogs database table: