rubyforgood / shelter-assist

Software to help foster-based animal rescues keep track of their animals and people.
14 stars 13 forks source link

Volunteer can see baseball card on foster #50

Open maggie-larkin opened 3 years ago

maggie-larkin commented 3 years ago


User Stories

As a volunteer I want to see an individual foster's information So that I can see all their information in one place and get a sense of whether they'll

Acceptance Criteria

GIVEN I am a logged in volunteer 
AND I am on the Fosters page
WHEN I click the "edit" button (pencil icon)
THEN I am taken to that foster's edit page
AND I see the following fields labels with the foster's values underneath:
email address 
phone number
household (display the selected values)
home all day
home type
and preferred method of communication
AND that information is listed in a sidebar on the left