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The Ruby Hero Awards recognize everyday heroes of the Ruby community.
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ActionView::Template::Error in nominations#show #4

Open olivierlacan opened 8 years ago

olivierlacan commented 8 years ago

Error in Ruby Hero Awards

ActionView::Template::Error in nominations#show No route matches {:action=>"new", :controller=>"nominations", :id=>"4", :nominee=>nil} missing required keys: [:nominee]

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app/views/nominations/show.html.haml:15 - _app_views_nominations_show_html_haml__1528623023902075974_70061297322300
app/controllers/nominations_controller.rb:24 - show

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olivierlacan commented 8 years ago

This occurs when people try to access the nominations#show for an ID that doesn't exist, I think.

In general we probably shouldn't let people enumerate nominations.