rubykube / microkube

Minimal stack for deploying peatio (open source crypto-currencies trading exchange platform) on a virtual machine
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frontend router errors #8

Closed hashfaster closed 5 years ago

hashfaster commented 6 years ago

the provider comes up (in monitor.) but when I try to get to www/peatio, results in 404.

when I try tower., error, Bad Gateway.

No errors were present when starting components. Any ideas?

huuhait commented 5 years ago

me too

hashfaster commented 5 years ago

Last pull seemed to improve things, but now the issue is the seeds for barong do not seem to work. As the login page does nothing when I press "Sign in". now shows 404 page.

hashfaster commented 5 years ago

Sorry, i meant to say - just creates a blank page, no other errors.

dudetheman commented 5 years ago

all pages are 404 for me as well

mod commented 5 years ago

@hashfaster updated you can try again