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select requires unpacking of array to work #10

Open HalfBloody opened 7 months ago

HalfBloody commented 7 months ago

Was trying:

    row field(:counterparty_id).select(
      Counterparty.pluck(:name, :id)

But as a result I got.


It works as expected only when unpacking the array argument:

    row field(:counterparty_id).select(
      *Counterparty.pluck(:name, :id)

Would be great if the select would accept an array as argument.

HalfBloody commented 7 months ago

Opened a pull request to fix that, unless there is a usecase for passing positional arguments only.

bradgessler commented 4 months ago

Try using, :id) instead of Counterparty.pluck(:name, :id). Pluck returns an "eager" array whereas select is a "lazy" ActiveRecord scope.

The positional arguments are intentional because the syntax is nicer. If this is a common problem I'd accept a PR that detects an array of arrays and iterates through those, which would make pluck work.