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Add UIActionSheet wrapper? #367

Open hollingberry opened 10 years ago

hollingberry commented 10 years ago

An example:

For more information, see the UIActionSheet Class Reference.

Action sheets are used really often, and have an ugly API, so it seems like a good spot for BubbleWrap to step in?

hollingberry commented 10 years ago

I could try doing a PR...

clayallsopp commented 10 years ago

This could be cool - would love a PR for it. What would your API look like?

hollingberry commented 10 years ago

Maybe something like
  origin: UIBarButtonItem.alloc.init, # ignored on an iPhone
  buttons: [
      title: "Cancel",
      type: :cancel
      title: "Delete Note",
      type: :destructive,
      action: :delete_note
      title: "Something Else",
      action: :do_something_else
  animated: true

I like the simplicity of having all the buttons in one hash, but with this API, there would have to be some kind of check to make sure there is only one :cancel button and one :destructive button. What do you think?

clayallsopp commented 10 years ago

Seems pretty reasonable, and definitely helpful.

Are the :actions method names? what do you think of something like:

as =
as.on(:delete_note) do
as.on(:do_something_else) do

cc @colinta @markrickert

hollingberry commented 10 years ago

I like that. What do you think about also being able to, as an alternative, pass a lambda?

markrickert commented 10 years ago

I like the direction this conversation is going. I'll be watching :)

supermarin commented 10 years ago

@clayallsopp how would that link to titles?

hollingberry commented 10 years ago

@supermarin I think the idea was that you would define the action as a symbol, and then reference the symbol in the event callback. For example, above, the action is defined as action: :delete_note, meaning that you can respond to it as:

as.on(:delete_note) do
colinta commented 10 years ago

Yeah I really like that :title / :action combo. Works great with the blocks!

hollingberry commented 10 years ago

Let's also add title: and style: properties to the options hash. title: is a string, and style: is a symbol that corresponds to a constant (this can be one of :automatic, :default, :black_translucent, or :black_opaque.

colinta commented 10 years ago

I was playing around with what this would look like in SugarCube's existing UIActionSheet wrapper, and came up with this (alert view and action sheet examples). This would save you from the on(...) methods, and you could return the actual UIActionSheet object...'Confirm action!',
  message: 'Are you sure you want to do this?',
  buttons: {
    cancel: 'No!',  # special treatment
    success: 'Sure!',
    unsure: 'Hmmm',
  }) do |button|
  # button will be :cancel, :success or :unsure
end'Well, how bout it?',
  buttons: {
    help: 'Tell me more',
    cancel: 'Cancel',  # special treatment
    destructive: 'Kill it with fire!',  # special treatment
  }) do |button|
  # button is :cancel, :destructive or :help
colinta commented 10 years ago

This would have the advantage of having the two interfaces identical...

haha, hmm, is that an advantage or confusing? :confused:

hollingberry commented 10 years ago

Maybe. What about instead of UIActionSheet.alert.

colinta commented 10 years ago

Oh I fixed that, it should be new if it's going to match BW::UIAlertView - I forgot that already exists, though, so we should have BW::UIActionSheet match that interface.

hollingberry commented 10 years ago

I feel like the problem about BW::UIAlertView and BW::UIActionSheet having the same API is that unlike UIAlertView, UIActionSheet doesn't require a title (in fact, it usually isn't used with one).

colinta commented 10 years ago

That's not an issue; options[:title] becomes optional in UIActionSheet

colinta commented 10 years ago

I'd like to rescind the code above - I forgot that bubble-wrap already added a wrapper for UIAlertView, and that's what we should model BW::UIActionSheet after.

All I meant to propose was a syntax for the buttons that would obviate the need for an on() method, but since BW::UIActionSheet would logically return a subclass of ::UIActionSheet it's really not an issue.

So, basically, I'm just adding a lot of noise to this conversation and it should be largely ignored! Sorry @all! :-)

hollingberry commented 10 years ago

I think that the reason it makes sense to have title as the first parameter of and not of is that often, unlike action sheets, you will be making an alert with only a title.

colinta commented 10 years ago

Sounds reasonable, but BW::UIAlertView doesn't work that way, you assign it a title only by passing 'this is the only way')

hollingberry commented 10 years ago

Oops, I was getting confused with App.alert.

colinta commented 10 years ago

Oh and I didn't even know about that one! Different APIs for App.alert and, that's a bummer. I like the title as first arg thing.

I think a similar thing could be done here - if App.sheet is implemented, it could accept a hash in first or last position, so the title could be the first arg (which makes sense) or it could be skipped.

hollingberry commented 10 years ago

Combining some of the ideas from above, and just to put another idea out there, we could get rid of the first parameter title and do something like this:{
  title: 'Some title',
  animated: true,
  origin: UIBarButtonItem.alloc.init, # ignored on iPhone
  style: :black_translucent,
  buttons: {
    help: 'Tell me more',
    cancel: 'Cancel',  # special treatment
    destructive: 'Kill it with fire!',  # special treatment
  }) do |button|
  # button is :help, :cancel, or :destructive

Then again, I like having the possibility of using a lambda directly in the buttons hash because it eliminates the need for a case statement.

GantMan commented 10 years ago

anyone working on this?

twe4ked commented 9 years ago

Looks like these classes have been replaced with UIAlertController.

This class [UIAlertController] replaces the UIActionSheet and UIAlertView classes for displaying alerts.