rubymotion-community / BubbleWrap

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BW causing compile fatal when using facebook-ios-sdk 4.0+ #456

Closed rromanchuk closed 9 years ago

rromanchuk commented 9 years ago

Undefined symbols for architecture i386: "_NSString", referenced from: _MREP_07D9E30DC95244B8B8FE358E8B09CD44 in string.rb.o (maybe you meant: _NSStringFromFBSDKAppGroupPrivacy, _Init_NSString , _NSStringFromFBSDKLikeControlHorizontalAlignment , _NSStringFromFBSDKLikeControlAuxiliaryPosition , _NSStringFromFBSDKShareDialogMode , _NSStringFromFBSDKLikeObjectType , _NSStringFromFBSDKLikeControlStyle ) ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture i386

gnestor commented 9 years ago

I noticed that Bubblewrap's font.rb was causing the compile error. I removed require 'bubble-wrap/all' and added require 'bubble-wrap/reactor' to include Bubblewrap's "Eventable" library and it compiled. In fact, I removed Facebook SDK and tried to compile without it and I got the same error, so I believe that Bubblewrap's font.rb is not compatible with iOS SDK 8.3?

markrickert commented 9 years ago

I'm not sure what would be causing a problem in the font file... the bubblewrap sample apps in the repo compile just fine.

With the demo app linked above, removing the facebook code and building shows that bubblewrap is compiling just fine. i don't think this is a bubblewrap problem.

@rromanchuk what is the status of this?

no-itsbackpack commented 9 years ago

@rromanchuk Do you have a work around for this issue? I am currently facing the same problem in my rubymotion project. Link to your post on the rubymotion community

rromanchuk commented 9 years ago

Looks like i just patched all my gems lol (ツ)

no-itsbackpack commented 9 years ago

basically patch all gems and not touch the FB SDK?

rromanchuk commented 9 years ago

Yup, i just pulled @markrickert changes into my fork, and then made similar changes to other gems

no-itsbackpack commented 9 years ago


markrickert commented 9 years ago

I'll ping HipByte about this bug report and see what can be done. I don't think we should have to change our correctly coded gems because of some weird thing with the clang compiler that causes the Facebook pod to not play nicely.

markrickert commented 9 years ago

This should be fixed in RM > 3.12