rubymotion-community / BubbleWrap

Cocoa wrappers and helpers for RubyMotion (Ruby for iOS and OS X) - Making Cocoa APIs more Ruby like, one API at a time. Fork away and send your pull requests
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unrecognized runtime type `{_simd_quatf=}' #491

Open spnkr opened 6 years ago

spnkr commented 6 years ago

w/ rubymotion 4.22 and xcode 9 beta 5.

   Compile /Users/will/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.1/gems/bubble-wrap-1.9.6/motion/motion/magnetometer.rb
2017-08-19 14:35:57.422 ruby[19377:21740120] unrecognized runtime type `{_simd_quatf=}' (TypeError)
2017-08-19 14:35:57.425 ruby[19377:21740120] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'TypeError', reason: 'unrecognized runtime type `{_simd_quatf=}' (TypeError)
*** Call stack at first throw:
    0   CoreFoundation                      0x9437627b __raiseError + 187
    1   libobjc.A.dylib                     0xa0cc16f2 objc_exception_throw + 273
    2   ruby                                0x00284275 rb_vm_raise_current_exception + 501
    3   ruby                                0x0028431c rb_vm_raise + 92
    4   ruby                                0x001288a1 rb_exc_raise + 17
    5   ruby                                0x00122847 rb_raise + 71
    6   ruby                                0x0025a968 _ZN13RoxorCompiler12convert_typeEPKc + 1800
    7   ruby                                0x002612cc _ZN13RoxorCompiler12compile_stubEPKcbii + 2156
    8   ruby                                0x002a8b7c _ZN16RoxorAOTCompiler25compile_static_objc_stubsEP11objc_objectPKcS3_PN4llvm14GlobalVariableE + 1964
    9   ruby                                0x002a9b8d _ZN16RoxorAOTCompiler20compile_static_stubsEv + 1149
    10  ruby                                0x002b16cf _ZN16RoxorAOTCompiler23compile_static_bs_filesEv + 223
    11  ruby                                0x00255f8a _ZN16RoxorAOTCompiler21compile_init_functionERNSt3__16vectorIPN4llvm8FunctionENS0_9allocatorIS4_EEEE + 6602
    12  ruby                                0x00286424 rb_vm_aot_compile + 452
    13  ruby                                0x001a3f64 ruby_process_options + 1380
    14  ruby                                0x0020a558 main + 136
    15  libdyld.dylib                       0xa1533395 start + 1
    16  ???                                 0x00000065 0x0 + 101
    ERROR! File '/Users/will/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.1/gems/bubble-wrap-1.9.6/motion/motion/device_motion.rb' failed to compile
spnkr commented 6 years ago

commenting out all of magnetometer.rb and device_motion.rb fixes this. however these files are part of bubblewrap.