rubymotion-community / BubbleWrap

Cocoa wrappers and helpers for RubyMotion (Ruby for iOS and OS X) - Making Cocoa APIs more Ruby like, one API at a time. Fork away and send your pull requests
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test suite doesn't seem to run anymore #95

Closed mattetti closed 12 years ago

mattetti commented 12 years ago

i'm trying to run the test suite on iOS 5.1 with RubyMotion 1.15 and here is what I'm getting: Terminating since there is no system event server. (Run the EventPump or pass the argument "-RegisterForSystemEvents" if you want to run without SpringBoard.

Can someone confirm the problem and does anyone have a clue what's going on and why SpringBoard doesn't start? (looks like our delegate isn't used anymore)

siuying commented 12 years ago

I have no problem running spec at current HEAD.

rake spec:all runs with following result:

rake spec:all
- responds to :setup_with_bubblewrap
- responds to :setup_without_bubblewrap
- replaces :setup with :setup_with_bubblewrap

- calls the passed-in block
when app.files is nil
- sets app.files

when app.files is empty
- sets app.files

when app.files has contents
- sets app.files

- removes duplicates from app.files
- adds BW dependencies
when app.frameworks is empty
- sets the default frameworks

when app.frameworks is empty
- sets the default frameworks

when app.frameworks contains defaults
- sets the default frameworks

when app.frameworks contains non-defaults
- sets the default frameworks and the contents

when BW::Requirement.frameworks has contents
- sets the default frameworks and the contents

- aliases :files_dependencies to :files_dependencies_without_bubblewrap
- aliass :files_dependencies_with_bubblewrap to :files_dependencies

- returns a regular expression

- should call #path_matching_expression

- strips off from the second-to-last colon
- leaves plain old paths unmolested

- converts relative paths to absolute paths
- doesn't modify absolute paths

- strips off from the last lib
- doesn't modify the path otherwise

- strips off the root portion

- asking for a not-yet-found file raises an exception
- finds the specified file
- finds multiple files according to spec
- never depends on itself
- can depend on another file
- can use a framework
- figures out the root of the project
- includes UIKit by default
- includes Foundation by default
- includes CoreGraphics by default

- returns an absolute path

- delegates to Requirement.scan
- finds files with relative paths
- finds files with absolute paths

39 specifications (39 requirements), 0 failures, 0 errors
     Build ./build/iPhoneSimulator-5.1-Development
  Simulate ./build/iPhoneSimulator-5.1-Development/

debug flag
  - can be set
  - can be unsetdyld: DYLD_ environment variables being ignored because main executable (/usr/bin/atos) has __RESTRICT/__restrict section
2012-07-11 15:26:42.729 testSuite[54334:c07] spec.rb:553:in `satisfy:': true.==(false) failed (Bacon::Error)
    from spec.rb:567:in `method_missing:'
    from spec.rb:183:in `block in run_spec_block'
    from  4:in `execute_block'
    from spec.rb:183:in `run_spec_block'
    from spec.rb:198:in `run'

RGB color
  - creates color with rgb devided by 255 with alpha=1
  - rgba_color uses the real alpha

Localized string
  - loads the string from NSBundle

  - creates always the new UUID


Core HTTP method calls
  - .get .post .put .delete .head .patch should properly generate the HTTP::Query
  - uses the block instead of action passed in 

  - should turn the initialization Hash to instance variables
  - says OK status code 20x
  - updates ivars when calling update
  - has appropriate attributes

  - has appropriate attributes

When initialized
  - should upcase the HTTP method
  - should set the deleted delegator from options
  - sets the files to instance variable
  - should set self as the delegator if action was not passed in
  - should merge :username and :password in loaded credentials
  - should set default timeout to 30s or the one from hash
  - should delete :headers from options and escape Line Feeds
  - should delete :cache_policy or set NSURLRequestUseProtocolCachePolicy
  - should set the rest of options{} to ivar @options
  - should create a new response before instantiating a new request
  - should call initiate_request with the URL passed in
  - should pass the new request in the new connection
  - should start the connection
  - should turn on the network indicator

  - should set payload from options{} to @payload
  - should check if @payload is a hash before generating GET params
  - should check if payload is nil
  - should set the payload in URL only for GET and HEAD requests
  - sets the HTTPBody DATA to @request for all methods except GET and HEAD
  - sets the payload without conversion to-from NSString if the payload was NSData

create request
  - should create a new request with HTTP method & header fields
  - creates a new NSURLConnection and sets itself as a delegate
  - should patch the NSURLRequest with done_loading and done_loading!
  - should pass the right arguments when creating new request

Generating GET params
  - should create params with nested hashes with prefix[key]=value

when didReceiveResponse:
  - should assign status_code, headers and response_size

when didRecieveData:
  - should initialize @received_data and append the received data

when requestDidFailWithError:
  - should turn off network indicator
  - should set request_done to true
  - should set the error message to response object
  - should check if there's a callback block and pass the response in

when connectionDidFinishLoading:
  - should turn off the network indicator
  - should set request_done to true
  - should set response_body to @received data if not nil
  - should check if there's a callback block and pass the response in

when connection:willSendRequest:redirectResponse:
  - should make a mutableCopy of passed in request and set headers from @headers
  - should create a new Connection with the request passed in
  - should set itself as a delegate of new NSURLConnection
  - should pass the new request in the new connection

  - should cancel the authentication if the failure count was not 0
  - should pass in Credentials and the challenge itself to the sender
  - always uses NSURLCredentialPersistenceForSession


slavish EventMachine compatibility

  - returns true

  - returns true

  - schedules and executes timers
  - only runs the callback once

  - runs callbacks repeatedly

  - cancels timers
  - cancels periodic timers

  - defers the operation
  - calls the callback after the operation finishes

  - defers the operation

  - defers the operation


  - works with a string representing an url
  - works with a NSURL instance


  - should end in "/Documents"

  - should end in "/"

  - should be a NSNotificationCenter

  - should be a NSUserDefaults


with only one string argument
  - returns an alert
  - is displaying the correct title

  - is present
  - has the correct title

with only two string arguments
  - returns an alert
  - is displaying the correct title

  - is present
  - has the correct title

with variable args
  - returns an alert
  - is displaying the correct title
  - is displaying the correct message

  - is present
  - has the correct title

with a block
  - returns an alert
  - is displaying the correct title
  - is displaying the correct message

  - is present
  - has the correct title

  - returns a hash
  - returns the real instance variable

  - returns the application name

  - returns the application identifier

  - returns Application Frame

  - returns Main Screen bounds

  - returns a TestSuiteDelegate

  - should run a block after the provided delay

  - uses NSURL or converts NSString in NSURL and opens it


  - should be true for front cameras
  - should be false for rear cameras

  - should have correct error for source_type camera

under normal conditions
  - should work

  - should yield the correct error when canceled

  - should yield the correct results


on device with only front facing camera

  - returns true

  - returns false

on device with only rear facing camera

  - returns false

  - returns true


on retina enabled screen

  - returns true

on non-retina enabled screen

  - returns false


  - returns :portrait

portrait upside down
  - returns :portrait_upside_down

landscape left
  - returns :landscape_left

landscape right
  - returns :landscape_right

face up
  - returns :face_up

face down
  - returns :face_down

  - returns :unknown

any other input
  - returns :unknown

  - returns the current device screen width

  - returns the current device screen height


  - returns the current device screen height

  - returns the current device screen height

  - returns the current device screen width


  - returns the current device screen width

  - returns the current device screen width

  - returns the current device screen height


on iPhone

  - returns true

  - returns false

on iPad

  - returns false

  - returns true

  - returns true

  - return BubbleWrap::Screen

  - delegates to BubbleWrap::Screen.retina?

  - delegates to BubbleWrap::Screen.orientation

  - returns a gesture recognizer
  - enables interaction when called
  - doesn't enable interaction if asked not to
  - returns a gesture recognizer
  - enables interaction when called
  - doesn't enable interaction if asked not to
  - returns a gesture recognizer
  - enables interaction when called
  - doesn't enable interaction if asked not to
  - returns a gesture recognizer
  - enables interaction when called
  - doesn't enable interaction if asked not to
  - returns a gesture recognizer
  - enables interaction when called
  - doesn't enable interaction if asked not to
  - returns a gesture recognizer
  - enables interaction when called
  - doesn't enable interaction if asked not to








parsing a basic JSON string without block
  - should convert a top object into a Ruby hash
  - should properly convert integers values
  - should properly convert string values
  - should convert an array into a Ruby array

parsing a basic JSON string with block
  - should convert a top object into a Ruby hash
  - should properly convert integers values
  - should properly convert string values
  - should convert an array into a Ruby array

generating a JSON string from an object
  - should generate from a hash
  - should encode and decode and object losslessly


  - should add an observer block
  - should not add an observer block if the key path is not present
  - should not add an observer block if the block is not present
  - should remove an observer block
  - should not remove an observer block if the target is not present
  - should not remove an observer block if the key path is not present
  - should remove only one observer block
  - should remove all observer blocks

  - should observe a key path
  - should observe a key path with more than one block
  - should unobserve a key path

  - should be able to use an array like accessor
  - should support the each iterator

  - return notification center
  - add observer
  - remove observer


  - caches the @app_key
  - delegates to BubbleWrap::App.idenfitier

storing objects
  - can persist simple objects
  - must call synchronize

storing multiple objects
  - can persist multiple objects
  - must call synchronize

retrieving objects
  - can retrieve persisted objects


  - should include BubbleWrap::String

CamelCase input

  - doesn't change the value

  - lower cases the first character

  - converts it to underscores

camelCase input

  - upper cases the first character

  - doesn't change the value

  - converts it to underscores

snake_case input

  - converts to CamelCase

  - converts to camelCase

  - doesn't change the value

A UIColor should be created from a String with a hex color
  - with 6 digits
  - with 3 digits
  - with no # sign

a string with a color keyword (blue, red, lightText)
  - should return the corresponding color
  - should accept camelCase
  - should accept snake_case

A UIColor should not be created from an invalid String wuth
  - an invalid hex colordyld: DYLD_ environment variables being ignored because main executable (/usr/bin/atos) has __RESTRICT/__restrict section
2012-07-11 15:26:48.269 testSuite[54334:c07] string.rb:54:in `to_color': ArgumentError (ArgumentError)
    from spec.rb:471:in `raise?:'
    from spec.rb:449:in `raise?:'
    from spec.rb:567:in `block in method_missing:'
    from spec.rb:545:in `satisfy:'
    from spec.rb:567:in `method_missing:'
    from spec.rb:183:in `block in run_spec_block'
    from  4:in `execute_block'
    from spec.rb:183:in `run_spec_block'
    from spec.rb:198:in `run'
mattetti commented 12 years ago

hmm thanks, looks like I can't compile any RM apps anymore :( I might have messed up something using iOS 6. Thanks for checking on the test suite.

mattetti commented 12 years ago

rebooted my machine and the test suite runs again.

supermarin commented 12 years ago

@mattetti thanks for the hint, i have the same problem

siuying commented 12 years ago

It is not unusual for Xcode development ;)

supermarin commented 12 years ago

Still fails on my machine :(

mattetti commented 12 years ago

Try rebooting and reseting xcode-select -switch to the non beta xcode and check the xcode-select path.

On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 10:44 AM, Marin Usalj <


Still fails on my machine :(

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supermarin commented 12 years ago

everything seems fine :/

~> xcode-select -print-path                                                                                                                       
mattetti commented 12 years ago

closing this issue, it seems like yet another RubyMotion bug