Closed eliduke closed 5 years ago
Are you using any kind of proxy or firewall that could cause a connection error when trying to log into iTunes Connect?
I wasn't, as far as I knew, but it's hard to say now. I haven't tried using it again since then, but I will see what happens next time.
I'm having the same issue. Running with VERBOSE=1 shows this:
[17:10:52]: >> POST:\
[17:10:52]: Timeout received: 'Connection reset by peer - SSL_connect'. Retryi\
ng after 3 seconds (remaining: 4)...
[17:10:55]: Timeout received: 'Connection reset by peer - SSL_connect'. Retryi\
ng after 3 seconds (remaining: 3)...
[17:10:58]: Timeout received: 'Connection reset by peer - SSL_connect'. Retryi\
ng after 3 seconds (remaining: 2)...
[17:11:01]: Timeout received: 'Connection reset by peer - SSL_connect'. Retryi\
ng after 3 seconds (remaining: 1)...
rake aborted!
Faraday::ConnectionFailed: Connection reset by peer - SSL_connect
Here's my Rakefile:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
require 'motion/project/template/ios'
require 'bundler'
rescue LoadError
Motion::Project::App.setup do |app| = 'Hello'
app.identifier = 'com.example.hello'
app.development do
app.codesign_certificate = MotionProvisioning.certificate(
type: :development,
platform: :ios,
free: true)
app.provisioning_profile = MotionProvisioning.profile(
bundle_identifier: app.identifier,
platform: :ios,
type: :development,
free: true)
I don't have an Apple Developer account. I'm running OS X Sierra, and a fresh install of RubyMotion and motion-provisioning. I'm not using any kind of proxy or firewall (except the built-in firewall for OS X, with no special configuration or anything).
Thanks for any help!
EDIT: I read the instructions again and noticed the "rake archive:distribution" command in the animated gif. No idea what it means but I tried it, with this result:
Couldn't verify that spaceship is up to date
Build ./build/iPhoneOS-10.2-Release
Create ./build/iPhoneOS-10.2-Release/
Create ./build/iPhoneOS-10.2-Release/
Codesign ./build/iPhoneOS-10.2-Release/
ERROR! Cannot find any iOS/iPhone Distribution certificate in the keychain.
I have a developer certificate, but with a free account is it possible to have a Distribution certificate?
Try again with version 1.0.0.
Anyone else getting this error?