rubymotion-community / motion-provisioning

Simplified provisioning for RubyMotion iOS, tvOS and macOS apps.
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Update #23

Closed jeremiahlukus closed 6 years ago

jeremiahlukus commented 6 years ago

development no longer works, it is now beta

andrewhavens commented 6 years ago

@jeremiahlukus How did you discover this change? I have been using development without any issues. What changed in your environment?

jeremiahlukus commented 6 years ago

This is the first time using it when you use development it gives a nice error saying you have to use beta

jeremiahlukus commented 6 years ago
Don't know how to build task 'archive:development' (see --tasks)
Did you mean?  archive:beta
andrewhavens commented 3 years ago

The rake task for building the .ipa file is not the same as the certificate type. I'm not even sure rake archive:beta is valid anymore. When building for beta testing through TestFlight, you will use a distribution certificate, and when developing for local development, you will use a development certificate (simply rake archive). I'm going to roll back this change to the readme, because the type of certificate is still :development, not :beta. This will fix #33.