rubynor / bigfive-web

Website for taking personality tests
MIT License
372 stars 146 forks source link

Security Question: Client- VS Server-side #117

Open HackersCardgame opened 1 year ago

HackersCardgame commented 1 year ago

Hello BigFive-Web Team

first: thank you for your free open source app for the public to take a BigFive Test

I have some Questions about security:


so why not calculating / drawing the result or the complete test on the endpoint of the person to be tested?

Therefor you would need a STRUCT (like in C) or an small json that could be translated to BASE64

BigFive: 5x Parameter      =  +5 Bytes
each has 6x SubParameters  = +30 Bytes
1x UX Timestamp = long     =  +8 Bytes
                             ~40 Bytes (for the use case "BigFive Test")

which will result in something like MDEyMzQ1Njc4OTAxMjM0NTY3ODkwMTIzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQ1Njc4OQo=

if you would use a # instead of / or ? everything would be done on client side

to keep the data not in the database but in the URL and only on client side because things after # will not be transmitted to the server and you can fetch the BASE64 in the displaying javascript with window.location.href and then draw the graphics with javascript on client side

also in an older version the ? operator is used and the graphics is calculated in the php file is not optimal in my opinion,7,3,3,3.1#_V

or maybe also as QR Code




Further a view like this from the Facebook variant of the BigFive test that was removed would be better to compare two persons with one blink FiveLabsVariant

since this would not be a security thing but an idea / feature request please tell me if i should move that to another issue

With kind regards

Marc jr. Landolt eidg. dipl. Informatiker HF Neuenburgerstrasse 6 5004 Aarau