rubysherpas / r4ia

A place to file issues for Rails 4 in Action
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need to restart spring in chapter 6.2 #18

Closed chrislerum closed 9 years ago

chrislerum commented 9 years ago

after installing devise, where we add the following snippet:

<li class="<%= "active" if current_page?("/users/sign_up") %>">
  <%= link_to "Sign up", new_user_registration_path %>

we get:

Failure/Error: click_link "Sign up" ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `registration_path' for #<#Class:0x007fccd632be78:0x007fccd63228a0>

restarting spring makes all happy again.

sevenseacat commented 9 years ago

Spring :hammer:

radar commented 9 years ago

@chrislerum Do you have a stacktrace for that error please?

chrislerum commented 9 years ago

no, may as well close this as a fluke