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13.4: fog 1.36.0 update needed for net/ssh heroku deploy error after bundle update #25

Open brettrann opened 8 years ago

brettrann commented 8 years ago

reproduction steps: probably* run bundle update then deploy to heroku. you should see a net/ssh error, like bellow.

tl;dr - update fog to 1.36.0

When doing the first heroku deploy steps I got a net/ssh error.

using the correct Gemfile, but installing at different times to the book, resulted in different version of numerous items in the Gemfile.lock

those version differences meant that On git push heroku master the following deployment error occurred:

remote: Could not detect rake tasks remote: ensure you can run $ bundle exec rake -P against your app with no environment variables present remote: and using the production group of your Gemfile. remote: rake aborted! remote: LoadError: cannot load such file -- net/ssh remote: /tmp/build_e9fe78a314ac8fb6d1bd3fd9b48ae6af/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.2.0/gems/activesupport-4.2.1/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:274:in `require'

noted net-ssh was removed because of compatability errors, and is fixed in fog 1.36.0

commit where i fixed it:

Commit with difference in Gemfile.lock versus mine, and the one from the rubysherpas checkout at that step:

sevenseacat commented 8 years ago

This makes me so sad, we do everything we can to lock down dependencies so that things like this don't happen, and then dependencies of those dependencies cause problems :(

Cheers for filing this - I'm in the middle of compiling an official errata list and while this isn't an errata in the book itself, it is a problem that we should address. :)