rubyslava / bookshelf

Distribuovaná knižnica priateľov Rubyslavy
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The Rails View: Create a Beautiful and Maintainable User Experience #11

Open misoholub opened 10 years ago

misoholub commented 10 years ago

ja by som mal zaujem o pozicanie tejto knizky

jsuchal commented 10 years ago

Staci doniest na najblizsiu @rubyslava ?

misoholub commented 10 years ago

ano, to je uplne idealne riesenie

jsuchal commented 10 years ago


misoholub commented 10 years ago

uz ju mam a tesim sa na citanie

jsuchal commented 10 years ago

@misoholub ako to vyzera s citanim?

misoholub commented 10 years ago

@jsuchal do januarovej Rubyslavy ju planujem docitat

misoholub commented 10 years ago

caka niekto na pozicanie tejto knihy? nestihol som ju celu docitat, tak by som si ju este nechal. nechcem ale nikoho blokovat, ak je uz niekto vo fronte na nu

jsuchal commented 10 years ago

@misoholub nevidim tu nikoho cize v pohode.

jsuchal commented 10 years ago

@misoholub ako?

jsuchal commented 10 years ago

@misoholub nejaky posun?

jsuchal commented 10 years ago

@misoholub ako si na tom?

jsuchal commented 9 years ago

@misoholub hm?

jsuchal commented 9 years ago

@misoholub ako vyzerame?