Your Komona, the assembly, has agreed to collaborate with No Game.
No Game will start at 33C3. Thus we need quests, riddles, CTF-trails, props, artifacts and
whatever further mechanics and elements you can imagine. All of these should be collaborative, meaning: without winners and competition. Furthermore, their solving should require different skillsets. Ideally the quest or tool has something to do with the skills and contents of your Komona, the assembly.
Your Komona can develop complete quests and operate as questowners during 33C3 (see Questmodel). You can help us working out existing ideas or bring up suggestions and materials for us to develop and integrate in no game.
Please reply either with one of the TALE options above or with the information whether you would be willing to host any kind of smaller (inter)action taking place at your assembly space.
I've uploaded both the attached files and added the Netzpolitik article yet I'm still mildly confused. Is anyone willing to take over this issue as a lead?
Questmodel_en.pdf questmodel_de.pdf
Moar info (in german)