rubyworks / minitap

TAP-Y/J Output Formats for MiniTest
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Work with preloaders #6

Open trans opened 10 years ago

trans commented 10 years ago

From issue #5:

"I have tried, but it can't work well with rails 4, i think to add config like Minitest::Reporters.use! would be great. then it could work with spring or zeus."

doabit commented 10 years ago

With spring, can use spring rake test | tapout pretty, with guard-minitest,

guard :minitest, spring: true, cli: '| tapout pretty'  do
  # Rails 4
  watch(%r{^app/(.+)\.rb})                               { |m| "test/#{m[1]}_test.rb" }
  watch(%r{^app/controllers/application_controller\.rb}) { 'test/controllers' }
  watch(%r{^app/controllers/(.+)_controller\.rb})        { |m| "test/integration/#{m[1]}_test.rb" }
  watch(%r{^app/views/(.+)_mailer/.+})                   { |m| "test/mailers/#{m[1]}_mailer_test.rb" }
  watch(%r{^lib/(.+)\.rb})                               { |m| "test/lib/#{m[1]}_test.rb" }
  watch(%r{^test/test_helper\.rb}) { 'test' }
doabit commented 10 years ago

@trans Sorry for my questions, minitap can't work with pry, if use binding.pry in test file, run ruby -Itest test/models/post_test.rb | tapout, tests will stop, input exit, got:

ruby -Itest test/models/post_test.rb | tapout
/Users/doabit/.rbenv/versions/2.0.0-p247/gemsets/4.1.0.beta/gems/psych-2.0.1/lib/psych.rb:369:in `parse': (<unknown>): control characters are not allowed at line 1 column 1 (Psych::SyntaxError)
    from /Users/doabit/.rbenv/versions/2.0.0-p247/gemsets/4.1.0.beta/gems/psych-2.0.1/lib/psych.rb:369:in `parse_stream'
    from /Users/doabit/.rbenv/versions/2.0.0-p247/gemsets/4.1.0.beta/gems/psych-2.0.1/lib/psych.rb:317:in `parse'
    from /Users/doabit/.rbenv/versions/2.0.0-p247/gemsets/4.1.0.beta/gems/psych-2.0.1/lib/psych.rb:244:in `load'
    from /Users/doabit/.rbenv/versions/2.0.0-p247/gemsets/4.1.0.beta/gems/tapout-0.4.2/lib/tapout/parsers/yaml.rb:47:in `handle'
    from /Users/doabit/.rbenv/versions/2.0.0-p247/gemsets/4.1.0.beta/gems/tapout-0.4.2/lib/tapout/parsers/yaml.rb:34:in `<<'
    from /Users/doabit/.rbenv/versions/2.0.0-p247/gemsets/4.1.0.beta/gems/tapout-0.4.2/lib/tapout/parsers/yaml.rb:24:in `consume'
    from /Users/doabit/.rbenv/versions/2.0.0-p247/gemsets/4.1.0.beta/gems/tapout-0.4.2/lib/tapout/cli.rb:80:in `cli'
    from /Users/doabit/.rbenv/versions/2.0.0-p247/gemsets/4.1.0.beta/gems/tapout-0.4.2/bin/tapout:3:in `<top (required)>'
    from /Users/doabit/.rbenv/versions/2.0.0-p247/gemsets/4.1.0.beta/bin/tapout:23:in `load'
    from /Users/doabit/.rbenv/versions/2.0.0-p247/gemsets/4.1.0.beta/bin/tapout:23:in `<main>'


require 'test_helper'

class PostTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
  test "the truth" do
    @post = Fabricate(:post)
    assert @post.valid?
trans commented 10 years ago

Take off the | tapout and look at the raw output. What does it look like?

trans commented 10 years ago

Btw, what's happening is you're piping pry's interface into tapout, and tapout is trying to interpret that as TAP-Y/J test output. I probably can teach tapout to stop when it hits a document end marker, i.e. .... But I am not sure how to release control back to Pry. Maybe tapout would have to fall into a mode where it is doing nothing but routing stdin and stdout. I don't know, that seems odd. Will have to think about it. Any suggestions welcome.

doabit commented 10 years ago

Take off the | tapout, it works,

$ rake test
type: suite
start: '2013-11-18 00:23:45'
count: 18
seed: 62546
rev: 4

From: /Users/doabit/Sites/test/rails/tmp/minit/blog/test/models/post_test.rb @ line 7 PostTest#test_the_truth:

    4: test "the truth" do
    5:   @post = Fabricate(:post)
    6:   assert @post.valid?
 => 7:   binding.pry
    8: end
$ rake test | tapout
/Users/doabit/.rbenv/versions/2.0.0-p247/gemsets/4.1.0.beta/gems/psych-2.0.1/lib/psych.rb:369:in `parse': (<unknown>): control characters are not allowed at line 1 column 1 (Psych::SyntaxError)
    from /Users/doabit/.rbenv/versions/2.0.0-p247/gemsets/4.1.0.beta/gems/psych-2.0.1/lib/psych.rb:369:in `parse_stream'
    from /Users/doabit/.rbenv/versions/2.0.0-p247/gemsets/4.1.0.beta/gems/psych-2.0.1/lib/psych.rb:317:in `parse'
    from /Users/doabit/.rbenv/versions/2.0.0-p247/gemsets/4.1.0.beta/gems/psych-2.0.1/lib/psych.rb:244:in `load'
    from /Users/doabit/.rbenv/versions/2.0.0-p247/gemsets/4.1.0.beta/gems/tapout-0.4.2/lib/tapout/parsers/yaml.rb:47:in `handle'
    from /Users/doabit/.rbenv/versions/2.0.0-p247/gemsets/4.1.0.beta/gems/tapout-0.4.2/lib/tapout/parsers/yaml.rb:34:in `<<'
    from /Users/doabit/.rbenv/versions/2.0.0-p247/gemsets/4.1.0.beta/gems/tapout-0.4.2/lib/tapout/parsers/yaml.rb:24:in `consume'
    from /Users/doabit/.rbenv/versions/2.0.0-p247/gemsets/4.1.0.beta/gems/tapout-0.4.2/lib/tapout/cli.rb:80:in `cli'
    from /Users/doabit/.rbenv/versions/2.0.0-p247/gemsets/4.1.0.beta/gems/tapout-0.4.2/bin/tapout:3:in `<top (required)>'
    from /Users/doabit/.rbenv/versions/2.0.0-p247/gemsets/4.1.0.beta/bin/tapout:23:in `load'
    from /Users/doabit/.rbenv/versions/2.0.0-p247/gemsets/4.1.0.beta/bin/tapout:23:in `<main>'

With spring, it couldn't work, either with | tapout or not.

trans commented 10 years ago

Hmm... is spring+pry working when you don't use tap output?

doabit commented 10 years ago

Yes, i also tested minitest-reporters, it can work with spring + pry. i thought, tapout wait minitap to return yml or json format result, but binding.pry broken it

trans commented 10 years ago

It pipes the output as it happens. If it waited then nothing would output until the very end, after all tests were run.

Not sure why it shouldn't work with spring if the output is not being piped to tapout. It's just a standard Minitest reporter, so it should work with anything. But then I am not sure how spring works. Did you say that minitap + spring works okay w/o pry in the mix?

doabit commented 10 years ago

Yes, if not use minitap, everything works well, i also can work with spring + pry + minitest-reporters. I thought, minitap reuturn json or yml fomat result, but when tests stoped, would get JSON::ParserError or (Psych::SyntaxError)

$ rake test | tapout

 `parse': 795: unexpected token at '{"type"=>"suite", "start"=>"2013-11-18 01:01:50", "count"=>18, "seed"=>56585, "rev"=>4} (JSON::ParserError)
doabit commented 10 years ago

Pry with minitest-reporterts

$ rake test

[WARN] cannot load such file -- awesome_print
$ gem install awesome_print

From: /Users/doabit/Sites/test/rails/tmp/minit/blog/test/models/post_test.rb @ line 7 PostTest#test_the_truth:

    4: test "the truth" do
    5:   @post = Fabricate(:post)
    6:   assert @post.valid?
 => 7:   binding.pry
    8: end

[1] pry(#<PostTest>)> exit
  test_the_truth                                                  PASS (2.18s)

  test_should_create_post                                         PASS (0.02s)
  test_should_destroy_post                                        PASS (0.01s)
  test_should_get_edit                                            PASS (0.04s)
  test_should_get_index                                           PASS (0.01s)
  test_should_get_new                                             PASS (0.05s)
  test_should_show_post                                           PASS (0.01s)
  test_should_update_post                                         PASS (0.01s)

  test_the_truth                                                  PASS (0.05s)

  test_the_truth                                                  PASS (0.00s)

  test_should_create_user                                         PASS (0.02s)
  test_should_destroy_user                                        PASS (0.01s)
  test_should_get_edit                                            PASS (0.01s)
  test_should_get_index                                           PASS (0.01s)
  test_should_get_new                                             PASS (0.01s)
  test_should_show_user                                           PASS (0.01s)
  test_should_update_user                                         PASS (0.01s)

  test_login_player                                               PASS (0.03s)

Finished in 2.48854s
18 tests, 30 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips

Spring + pry + minitest-reporters

$ spring rake test

[WARN] cannot load such file -- awesome_print
$ gem install awesome_print

From: /Users/doabit/Sites/test/rails/tmp/minit/blog/test/models/post_test.rb @ line 7 PostTest#test_the_truth:

    4: test "the truth" do
    5:   @post = Fabricate(:post)
    6:   assert @post.valid?
 => 7:   binding.pry
    8: end

[1] pry(#<PostTest>)> exit
  test_the_truth                                                  PASS (2.42s)

  test_should_create_post                                         PASS (0.02s)
  test_should_destroy_post                                        PASS (0.01s)
  test_should_get_edit                                            PASS (0.09s)
  test_should_get_index                                           PASS (0.01s)
  test_should_get_new                                             PASS (0.01s)
  test_should_show_post                                           PASS (0.01s)
  test_should_update_post                                         PASS (0.01s)

  test_the_truth                                                  PASS (0.05s)

  test_the_truth                                                  PASS (0.00s)

  test_should_create_user                                         PASS (0.02s)
  test_should_destroy_user                                        PASS (0.01s)
  test_should_get_edit                                            PASS (0.01s)
  test_should_get_index                                           PASS (0.01s)
  test_should_get_new                                             PASS (0.05s)
  test_should_show_user                                           PASS (0.01s)
  test_should_update_user                                         PASS (0.01s)

  test_login_player                                               PASS (0.02s)

Finished in 2.77927s
18 tests, 30 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips
trans commented 10 years ago

Yea, it makes perfect sense why Pry doesn't work when piping output to tapout. Unlike minitest-reporters which just integrates itself into minitest so there is only one program running, with minitap we have two different programs running, minitest and tapout, and they are communicating via a pipe --the output from minitest is being passed into tapout, and tapout is interpreting that input as tap-y/j formatted test output. If suddenly some other data comes across the pipe, e.g. a Pry command prompt, tapout cannot interpret that and a YAML or JSON syntax error is going to happen.

I have an idea that should work around this, see But I still have to figure out the details which may take a bit of time.

However none of this explains why spring + minitap + pry doesn't work, just as long as the output is NOT being piped to the tapout command (no | tapout). It is weird that spring + minitap would work, and pry + minitap would work, but not all three. I will have to dig in and see what I can find.

doabit commented 10 years ago

Got it, thanks for your job.

trans commented 10 years ago

Just released minitap-0.5.2 (along with tapout-0.4.3). For the most part this should resolve this issue and many related ones. For optimal results one should emit a DLE ASCII code (16.chr) to tell tapout to pause test result processing, and then send a ETB ASCII code (23.chr) to tell it to resume. e.g.

test "the truth" do
    @post = Fabricate(:post)
    assert @post.valid?

    STDOUT.puts 16.chr
    STDOUT.puts 23.chr

I use STDOUT here and not $stdout b/c test runners generally cache $stdout as part of test results. In the future this might need to be addressed more precisely in Minitest's api, but STDOUT does the trick for now.

Note, this doesn't necessarily address spring + pry + minitap (but one can hope!), as there appears to be something else afoot there. Nonetheless I am going to go ahead can close this issue. We can start new more specific issues for anything that remains.

doabit commented 10 years ago

Thanks, i have tested, but it looks still not work well

$ rake test | tapout
Started w/ Seed: 64378

From: /Users/doabit/Sites/test/rails/tmp/minit/mit/test/models/post_test.rb @ line 6 PostTest#test_the_truth:

    4: test "the truth" do
    5:   STDOUT.puts "..."  0;34# tells tapout to pause processing
 => 6:    binding.pry
    7:    STDOUT.puts "---"
    8:   assert true
    9: end

type: case
subtype: ''
label: PostTest
level: 0
stdout: "$ gem install awesome_print\n\e[0G"
stderr: |
  [WARN] cannot load such file -- awesome_print
type: test
subtype: ''
status: pass
label: test_the_truth
time: 1.295685
type: final
time: 1.296649
  total: 1
  pass: 1
  fail: 0
  error: 0
  omit: 0
  todo: 0

I thought the main resean is tapout. Now the process is minitap -> tapout, if use binding.pry, tapout won't accept correct result. Maybe minitest-reporters's process is the only way

trans commented 10 years ago

It's just a bug in the yaml parser. It should work if you use 16.chr and 23.chr. I don't get the warning about awesome_print though. What does your Rakefile test take look like?

doabit commented 10 years ago

I use rails deault Rakefile, if not use rails

$ ruby -Itest test/main_test.rb | tapout
[1] pry(#<Destroying AR models>)> exit
Started w/ Seed: 3239

From: /Users/doabit/Sites/test/rails/tmp/minit/dd/test/main_test.rb @ line 8 Destroying AR models#test_0001_true test:

     5: it "true test" do
     6:   assert true
     7:   STDOUT.puts "..."  0;34# tells tapout to pause processing
 =>  8:    binding.pry
     9:    STDOUT.puts "---"
    10: end

type: case
subtype: ''
label: Destroying AR models
level: 0
stdout: "$ gem install awesome_print\n\e[0G"
stderr: |
  [WARN] cannot load such file -- awesome_print
type: test
subtype: ''
status: pass
label: true test
time: 2.988121
type: test
subtype: ''
status: fail
label: fail test
  message: Failed assertion, no message given.
  class: Minitest::Assertion
  file: test/main_test.rb
  line: 13
  source: assert false
  - 11: ''
  - 12: '  it "fail test" do'
  - 13: '    assert false'
  - 14: '  end'
  - 15: end
  - test/main_test.rb:13
time: 2.989053
type: final
time: 2.990012
  total: 2
  pass: 1
  fail: 1
  error: 0
  omit: 0
  todo: 0


ENV["RACK_ENV"] = "test"
require "minitest"
require "minitest/autorun"
require "minitap"

Minitest.reporter = Minitap::TapY
trans commented 10 years ago

I have the YAML parser fixed and will release shorty. It turns out the new document marker isn't even needed to restart. But really the more robust solution is to use the codes 16.chr and 23.chr. For convenience, in test_helper.rb one could do something like:

def pry!(binding_of_caller)
  STDOUT.puts 16.chr
  STDOUT.puts 23.chr

Then use it:

test "the truth" do
    @post = Fabricate(:post)
    assert @post.valid?

trans commented 10 years ago

Pushed tapout-0.4.4.

doabit commented 10 years ago

I have tested, maybe my problem, it still not work, run

$ ruby -Itest test/main_test.rb | tapout

stoped here:

[1] pry(#<Destroying AR models>)>

Then, input exit

1] pry(#<Destroying AR models>)> exit

From: /Users/doabit/Sites/test/rails/tmp/minit/dd/test/main_test.rb @ line 6 Destroying AR models#test_0001_true test:

    5: it "true test" do
 => 6:   pry!(binding)
    7:   assert true
    8: end

Started w/ Seed: 15732

Finished in 2.693s (0.371 test/s, 2.692543s avg.)

1 tests: 1 pass, 0 fail, 0 errs, 0 todo, 0 omit

I also tried to modify minitap like this

    def tapout_before_suite()
      result = super().to_json{format: 'dot', input:})

But it not work, i'll try it again, thanks.

trans commented 10 years ago

That's confusing. Your output almost looks correct except somehow Pry stepped in before the From ... stuff?

@doabit I really appreciate all your help on this. You've already helped improve minitap/tapout in ways I did not think possible. Thank you.

It's been a bit difficult to compare results b/c we are not working off the same code base. Do you think you can create a public test repo of a mock Rails project that we could both use for this?

doabit commented 10 years ago

@trans I have created a demo app

trans commented 10 years ago

Awesome! That is a Huge help.

I've already tracked down one issue that solves spring rake test. -- It was the arity code, which I expected might be a problem. I wish there was a cleaner way to do it. But I was able to improve it and get it working.

The other issue with | tapout is most likely a stdout flushing issue. I need to figure out where and how to ensure stdout is not cached.

doabit commented 10 years ago

I thought to use | tapout maybe a not good idea. The problem is minitap must return a complete json or yml result, then tapout converted them and print. But, when we use pry, it would break the process, minitap cound't return an compelte result. I have no idea how to solve it, look forward to your solution, thanks

trans commented 10 years ago

Not so, it doesn't have to return a complete json or yml. It's a data stream, so if everything is working as it should, it processes the stream continuously in discrete chunks, not all at once.

I made some headway in understanding the problem. Have a look at

doabit commented 10 years ago

Oh, i see. I always thought tapout would format result until minitap completed. eg.

$ rake test | tapout
Started w/ Seed: 64378

From: /Users/doabit/Sites/test/rails/tmp/minit/mit/test/models/post_test.rb @ line 6 PostTest#test_the_truth:

    4: test "the truth" do
    5:   STDOUT.puts "..."  0;34# tells tapout to pause processing
 => 6:    binding.pry
    7:    STDOUT.puts "---"
    8:   assert true
    9: end

type: test
subtype: ''
status: pass
label: test_the_truth
time: 1.295685
type: final
time: 1.296649
  total: 1
  pass: 1
  fail: 0
  error: 0
  omit: 0
  todo: 0

It didn't format results. but YML.

trans commented 10 years ago

I am suddenly getting:

Could not find gem 'arel (~> 5.0.0) ruby', which is required by gem 'rails (>= 0) ruby', in any of the sources.

when I run bundle install on the minitap_demo project.

doabit commented 10 years ago

arel (~> 5.0.0) ? I should arel (4.0.1)

trans commented 10 years ago

I had to rebundle. It's okay, I fixed by adding gem 'arel', github: 'rails/arel'.

doabit commented 10 years ago

Oh, may be rails updated. It works in my computer

trans commented 10 years ago

Okay. Things are looking up, finally. Turns out it had nothing to do with Pry, Rails or Rake. All that was needed was to add io.sync = true. I had tried that before --which is why I was thinking it had something to do with one of the afore-mentioned projects. But now I think it was actually Minitest affecting it, b/c all I had to do was make sure I called io.sync = true after initializing MiniTest's reporter base class, instead of before, and it worked.

doabit commented 10 years ago

Great, i have updated minitap to 0.5.3, it works with pry now. But there is still a problem, we must use:

def pry!(binding_of_caller)
  STDOUT.puts 16.chr
  STDOUT.puts 23.chr

I thought many people may be more like to use binding.pry directly.

trans commented 10 years ago

I've been playing with some ways to improve on that, but it's just a matter of how things work. I don't think there is any way to avoid it all together. One idea:

require 'tapout/utitlity'

tapout.pause { binding.pry }

Another option is to override the #pry method, but that probably has it's own set of problems.

Maybe just offering an alternative:

require 'tapout/utitlity'

binding.tapry  # ?
doabit commented 10 years ago

Yes, that is indeed, Add it into README maybe the best way now.