ruckertm / HINT

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using penalties less than -10000 #1

Open ruckertm opened 1 year ago

ruckertm commented 1 year ago

Penalties less than -10000 as output penalties are used to signal the output routine when to use some special output. This does not work in example ltxlinks1.tex which does not call special output. This example also produces an empty page at the end of the document. This effect might be related to the first problem.

compare hilatex lxtlinks1.log: {globally changing \outputpenalty=-10000} {into \outputpenalty=0} \output->{\let \par \@@par \ifnum \outputpenalty <-\@M \@specialoutput \else \@ to pdflatex ltxlinks1.log: {globally changing \outputpenalty=-10000} {into \outputpenalty=-10001} \output->{\let \par \@@par \ifnum \outputpenalty <-\@M \@specialoutput \else \@