I'm not exactly sure if this is a problem with this package or if it's on Quickbooks end... I would guess that it's on Quickbooks end since it's only happening on our production environment but has anyone seen this?
I, [2024-10-11T11:29:14.704068 #2] INFO -- : ------ QUICKBOOKS-RUBY REQUEST ------
I, [2024-10-11T11:29:14.704105 #2] INFO -- : METHOD = get
I, [2024-10-11T11:29:14.704118 #2] INFO -- : RESOURCE = https://quickbooks.api.intuit.com/v3/company/<company_id>/cdc?entities=Invoice&changedSince=2024-10-11&minorversion=47
I, [2024-10-11T11:29:14.704129 #2] INFO -- : REQUEST BODY:
I, [2024-10-11T11:29:14.704139 #2] INFO -- : REQUEST HEADERS = {"Content-Type"=>"application/xml", "Accept"=>"application/xml", "Accept-Encoding"=>"gzip, deflate"}
I, [2024-10-11T11:29:15.322794 #2] INFO -- : ------ QUICKBOOKS-RUBY RESPONSE ------
I, [2024-10-11T11:29:15.322853 #2] INFO -- : RESPONSE CODE = 200
I, [2024-10-11T11:29:15.322866 #2] INFO -- : RESPONSE BODY:
I, [2024-10-11T11:29:15.322877 #2] INFO -- :
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<IntuitResponse time="2024-10-11T11:29:15.289-07:00">
/app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.1.0/gems/quickbooks-ruby-2.0.5/lib/quickbooks/service/base_service.rb:426:in `parse_and_raise_exception': : (Quickbooks::IntuitRequestException)
It looks like this package is expecting this response which is working on our staging and development environments:
Never mind, closing this issue. It popped up last week in our production environment but QB must have fixed something on their end and it appears to be resolved now.
I'm not exactly sure if this is a problem with this package or if it's on Quickbooks end... I would guess that it's on Quickbooks end since it's only happening on our production environment but has anyone seen this?
It looks like this package is expecting this response which is working on our staging and development environments: