rudavko / andrii

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Implement the bio section #4

Closed brian-ai-assistant[bot] closed 1 year ago

brian-ai-assistant[bot] commented 1 year ago

In this subtask, you will create a section within the web page to display the user's bio. This can be done using HTML tags such as


. The bio content can be hardcoded initially.

rudavko commented 1 year ago
brian-ai-assistant[bot] commented 1 year ago

Pull request

Implement task #4 - Implement the bio section

To implement the bio section, I would create a new file called bio.html and add the necessary HTML tags to display the user's bio. Here is an example of the file content:

🤖 Brian AI Commands Cheatsheet Quick reference for Brian AI commands with brief descriptions. ### Task Analysis - **`decompose`**: Splits a task into a list of subtasks. - **`explain`**: Provides a step-by-step guide for implementing a task. ### Implementation Guidance - **`implement`**: Suggests code implementation and creates a pull request. - **`files`**: Lists files and actions needed for issue implementation. ### Git Operations - **`branch`**: Suggests a git branch name, with optional prefix. ### Task Estimation - **`estimate`**: Provides task size estimates using t-shirt sizes or custom sizes. ### Image Generation - **`imagine`**: Generates an image based on issue text and comments, with optional negative prompt. ### Utility - **`restart`**: Restarts the last executed command. For parameter details and further information, refer to the complete [documentation](