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What should i know about GK GLo to GH Sync #40

Open rudimusmaximus opened 6 years ago

rudimusmaximus commented 6 years ago

What to know about GitKraken Glo to GitHub sync

We are using ZenHub for code sprints and Glo for this project work to 'Shake Out' the dev flow process. This means using the label scheme and documenting along the way - especially as glo is a young product. Phase II will use a Glo board to facilitate discussion around templates and deliverables for the repo and to get ready to use ZenHub in live sprints in phase III and trial sprints in late phase II. The Glo boards will facilliate our Weekly wednesdays.

What glo is supposed to sync

GitKraken Glo Challenges

5/11/18 pm - Had a long chat with support, they are contacting developement and documenting some qeustions: 1 board out of sync with github issue 2 assignments to issues 3 making more issue fields available More updates to come, link to chat part 1 here Link to chat part 2.

globoard users and label interactions

Looks like some changes like labels are posted in github history as the admin owner of the globoard. Participant and other history changes are noted by github username. Explore other differences. Basically, there are card activities and card actions that stay on the globoard in terms of viewing the log of activity. Many of these don't exist in GH. As long as we are logged into our glo-boards, we are in sync with latest (noted) Labels are seeded from repo when synced board is created but nature of sync with deletes and edits is unclear.

GitHub Considerations

participants, contributors, collaborators - Assignments

A potential workaround without giving write access to the repo!

old working notes TODO: review

Move assignments to GH manually by someone with write access to master repo (possibly our two leads). IF we can confirm that contributors can be assigned issues after their changes make it to the default (in our case master) branch. Appears the case with @DevFlow-Developer1 testing with @RobGoelz. if so, we just need to have globoard users make modest contributions and get those into master. maybe by sprint time the glo sync will work for assignments. see last block of notes and update, more testing to come.

Final Answer

TODO: update. Current approach is branch protection settings see #31 and to keep assignments inside of glo board UNTIL we are ready for sprint work.

Latest Correspondence from GitKraken

email chain

rudimusmaximus commented 6 years ago

update more later, but was able to make rob a contributor as expected BUT that made no difference in being able to assign to issue.

here's pick of new contributor image

and here's pick of an issue where we could add. the rule is simple, if a user created the issue then they can be assigned on it as well. test glo sync knowing this confirm if broken or working. image

rudimusmaximus commented 6 years ago


RobGoelz commented 6 years ago

hey Rudy, I was able to fix the board not synced error by disconnecting and reconnecting to GH via the integration sub-menu under my icon in GK

reading through the rest of the notes from the support convo now.

RobGoelz commented 6 years ago

excellent work and followup with the support team! I'm eagerly awaiting their response :) :) :)

rudimusmaximus commented 6 years ago

Mee too! The disconnect reconnect works but it comes back. Also awaiting answer...might visit thier slack channel sometime. I don't think they have a customer facing issue repo. New product, so I'm sure it will not take long for them to clean up. I was trying to think what else we could ask them to do? one thought was glo-private notes? Not issues but shared notes on a board basis? Not sure if that makes sense, but loads of work to do. Can they support a user without a github id? that's a nice one if so. see you wed.

rudimusmaximus commented 6 years ago

see icboxed issue #42 "OLD:How do I learn Google Apps Script (GAS)?" for open issues with support

rudimusmaximus commented 5 years ago

Lot's of great changes to glo boards. Wanted to highlight "public" boards.