rudimusmaximus / DevFlow

A Dev Flow for Google Appscript
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How can I keep up with Weekly Wednesdays I can't attend? #46

Open rudimusmaximus opened 6 years ago

rudimusmaximus commented 6 years ago

How to keep up with Weekly Wednesdays

Need a place to catch up.

Final Answer

We are driving to put 'everything' into the repo and keep up to date via Glo Board. Here is a direct link to the web app for this board
Notes from meetings will be logged Markdown style in updates to this issue here in chronological order. Meetings will be on Wednesdays and either be a working session, a general session or combination of the two:

Key Completed:

Key Upcoming:

Overall Plan dates

Leads with access to maintain a high-level plan. The main dates are above.

Latest Plan Extract

Our website hosts the latest and most detailed publically available plan is on our site. See our project site

Chronological Notes


2018.05.09 WS-Planning Meeting

2018.05.16 WS-Overview and GAS Basics part one

2018.05.23 WS-Debug and tested make test ready no recording

2018.05.30 WS-Updates, learnings, Make Test Ready Demo

Check out the replay here


2018.06.06 WS-Make Test Ready Release, phase II deliverables, prep for general session 1

No Recording

Agenda with notes

2018.06.13 GS-General Session I and Special Guest

Agenda: special guest from at&t scheduled to join us! 1 State of the repo and release updates 2 Phase II our "deliverables" updates - repo documents to model the DevFlow approach 3 State of the Demos updates - when started 4 Session Highlight - Make Test Ready process, Glo Boards show and tell demo with lessons learned 5 Q&A - Open questions and hands-on

Notes: Here's the presentation PDF with live links AND the recorded session of 1hr30m. Hear from our at&t guest at the end after the demo.

2018.06.20 WS-GAS Basics Part 1

Recording Link

Agenda with notes

2018.06.27 WS-GAS Basics Part 2

Recording Link

Agenda with notes

2018.07.04 WS-GAS Basics Part 3

Canceled due to holiday; merging with General Session II.

2018.07.11 GS-General Session II (and WS-GAS Basics Part 3)

Recording Link

Agenda with notes

2018.07.18 WS-Canceled

2018.07.25 WS-Canceled

2018.08.01 WS-Canceled

2018.08.08 WS-Canceled

2018.08.15 GS-Canceled General Session III

2018.08.22 WS-Resume Weekly Wednesday Working Sessions

Recording Link TODO

Agenda with notes

2018.08.29 WS-Addon Standup

Recording Link

Agenda with notes

2018.09.05 WS-Addon Standup

No recording. Working session. Hot links include incorporating Clasp see #62.

2018.09.12 GS-Demo state of Addon Standup, highlight sprint lessons learned, demo ideas



If you want to do a demo, let us know by saying so on issue 46 by Wed the 19th. State which one and whether you'd like to get it done before next General Session on second Wednesday in Oct or during phase III and we will reserve it for you. Two easy and a third possible, others will be in Phase III. Watch the vid, pick one if you want. Contributors get their pic and LinkedIn included as part of the demo AND can say they contributed to an open source project.

2018.09.19 DEADLINE to Claim or lose a demo for phase II

2018.09.26 no session

2018.10.03 no session

2018.12.12 GS-General Session: Phase II Lessons Learned


5 Rudy's notes on organizing principles of getting good at something B/H, C, M B/H - behavior the critical success factors figure out what they are, make them your habits, observe the best you can find, follow critical content creators on twitter, pay attention

C - competence many kinds/domains (this is the stuff of methodologies) examples of competence/acumen include - technical, professional, business, others… in your career you will generally be working on maybe 4-8 that you should master (check that number, i’m just throwing that out there) rating competence - if on a scale of 1-5; 1 would be newly trained and 5 might be gets paid to present or published content for sale

M-mastery 10,000hrs + continual learning a good motto borrowed from martial arts “we need more practice”

6 Closing notes
Rob and I will be working on DevFlow as an ongoing open source with attribution project. So keep watching the space. Also, you can now watch for release updates.

Startup activities: Additionally, I applied for the ND to learn how to make my own prototypes and help me in bootstrapping a startup. If you want to learn about that, get to know us through the DevFlow project first. If your company is looking to establish a GAS team using DevFlow, please reach out as I might be doing some of that in the new year as well. 7 Next items

Have a question or comment?

Add it to this issue history in a new comment block and mention TODO or TODO. Thanks.

RobGoelz commented 6 years ago

Check out this link on how to import from bookmarks into diigo:

RobGoelz commented 6 years ago

Search for OneTab in chrome extensions - excellent tool

rudimusmaximus commented 6 years ago

Notes from general session and working session 6.20 added.

rudimusmaximus commented 6 years ago

Revised notes in the main section and made notes chronological, added notes from last working session and included dates for time out and list of work to complete for phase II. Thanks, See you Aug 22nd. @RobGoelz let me know if anything is off. I'll send a note out.

rudimusmaximus commented 6 years ago

And...we're back! The main section notes were updated with Aug 22nd notes and recording link (30 min). Enjoy!

rudimusmaximus commented 6 years ago

Notes updated with Aug 29 notes and recording link. Next week working session likely no recording. See you at general session in 2 weeks

rudimusmaximus commented 5 years ago

Updated notes for 2018.12.12 GS-General Session: Phase II Lessons Learned

rudimusmaximus commented 5 years ago

We will be rebooting in the coming months. A new company email list can be found here. Thanks for your patience.