rudimusmaximus / configDotFiles

My personal dot file repo aimed at being portable between macOS and Fedora Asahi Remix on Apple Silicon
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Bun 1.1.14 breaks scripts #2

Open rudimusmaximus opened 2 months ago

rudimusmaximus commented 2 months ago

Workaround Install 1.1.13 until fixed, test occassional upgrade until resolved.

curl -fsSL | bash -s "bun-v1.1.13"

Reproduce Try say, version alias which is aliased to `br ~/.bun_scripts/list_and_copy_version_from_package_json.mjs' in 1.1.14, 15, and 16 will give an error

error: FileNotFound while resolving package "cross-spawn" from "/Users/rudimusmaximus/.bun/install/cache/execa@8.0.1@@@1/index.js"

So, use work around. Test by running bun upgrade and then type version. If still broken apply workaround. Confirm working.

rudimusmaximus commented 2 months ago

confirmed still broken in bun 1.1.17

rudimusmaximus commented 2 months ago

confirmed still broken in bun 1.1.18

rudimusmaximus commented 2 months ago

confirmed still broken in bun 1.1.20. TODO see repo and ask