rudrab / Shadow

Flat icons; Beautiful Linux
GNU General Public License v3.0
125 stars 19 forks source link

Icon Request #72

Closed Apopatos closed 7 years ago

Apopatos commented 7 years ago

1) Fedy

!/usr/bin/env xdg-open

[Desktop Entry] Name=Fedy GenericName=Fedy Icon=fedy Comment=Software, Codec Installs & System Tweaks Exec=fedy Terminal=false Type=Application Categories=System;Utility;X-Fedora; Keywords=clean;codec;fedora;fix;install;proprietary;

2) yad icon browser

!/usr/bin/env xdg-open

[Desktop Entry] Name=Icon Browser Name[fr]=Navigateur d'Icônes Name[it]=Navigatore di icone Name[pt_BR]=Ícone do navegador Name[ru]=Броузер иконок Name[sk]=Prehliadač ikon Name[uk]=Павігатор іконок Name[zh_TW]=圖示瀏覽器 Comment=Inspect GTK Icon Theme Comment[fr]=Parcourir les icônes du thème GTK Comment[it]=Sfoglia le icone del tema GTK Comment[pt_BR]=Inspecionar ícone tema do GTK Comment[ru]=Исследование темы иконок GTK Comment[sk]=Preskúmať tému ikon GTK Comment[uk]=Перегляд теми іконок GTK Comment[zh_TW]=檢閱 GTK 圖示布景主題 Categories=GTK;Utility; Exec=yad-icon-browser Icon=yad Terminal=false Type=Application StartupNotify=true X-Desktop-File-Install-Version=0.23

3) exult

!/usr/bin/env xdg-open

[Desktop Entry] Name=Exult Comment=Exult Ultima 7 Engine Exec=exult Icon=exult Terminal=false Type=Application Categories=Game;RolePlaying;

4) menulibre

!/usr/bin/env xdg-open

[Desktop Entry] Name=Menu Editor Name[ca]=Editor dels menús Name[cs]=Editor nabídky Name[de]=Menübearbeitung Name[el]=Επεξεργαστής Μενού Name[en_AU]=Menu Editor Name[en_GB]=Menu Editor Name[es]=Editor de menús Name[eu]=Menu-editorea Name[fi]=Valikkomuokkain Name[fr]=Éditeur de menus Name[fy]=Menu bewurkje Name[he]=עורך תפריט Name[hr]=Uređivač izbornika Name[is]=Valmyndaritill Name[it]=Editor del Menu Name[ja]=メニューエディター Name[ko]=메뉴 편집기 Name[lt]=Meniu redaktorius Name[ms]=Penyunting Menu Name[nl]=Menu bewerken Name[pl]=Edytor menu Name[pt]=Editor de menu Name[pt_BR]=Editor de Menus Name[pt_PT]=Editor de Menus Name[ru]=Редактор меню Name[si]=මෙනු සංස්කාරකය Name[sl]=Urejevalnik menijev Name[sr]=Уређивач изборника Name[sv]=Menyredigerare Name[uk]=Редактор меню Name[zh_CN]=菜单编辑器 Name[zh_TW]=選單編輯器 Comment=Add or remove applications from the menu Comment[cs]=Přidat nebo odebrat programy z nabídky Comment[de]=Anwendungen aus bzw. zu diesem Menü hinzufügen oder entfernen Comment[el]=Προσθήκη ή αφαίρεση εφαρμογών από το μενού Comment[en_GB]=Add or remove applications from the menu Comment[es]=Añadir o eliminar aplicaciones del menú Comment[eu]=Gehitu edo kendu menuko aplikazioak Comment[fi]=Lisää tai poista sovelluksia valikosta Comment[fr]=Ajouter ou retirer des applications du menu Comment[he]=הוסף או הסר יישומים מתוך התפריט Comment[hr]=Dodaj ili ukloni program iz izbornika Comment[is]=Bættu við eða fjarlægðu forrit úr valmyndinni Comment[it]=Aggiungi e rimuovi applicazioni dal menù Comment[ja]=メニューにあるアプリケーションの追加と削除 Comment[lt]=Pridėkite ar šalinkite meniu programas Comment[ms]=Tambah atau buang aplikasi dari menu Comment[nl]=Toepassingen aan het menu toevoegen of daaruit verwijderen Comment[pl]=Dodaje i usuwa programy z menu Comment[pt]=Adicionar ou remover aplicações ao menu Comment[pt_BR]=Adicione ou remove programas do menu Comment[pt_PT]=Adicionar ou remover aplicações do menu Comment[ru]=Добавление и удаление пунктов меню Comment[sl]=Dodajte ali odstranite program iz menija Comment[sr]=Додаје или уклања програме у изборнику Comment[sv]=Lägg till eller ta bort program från menyn Comment[uk]=Додавання або вилучення програм з меню Comment[zh_CN]=从菜单中添加或移除应用程序 Comment[zh_TW]=在選單加入或移除應用程式 Exec=/usr/bin/menulibre Terminal=false Type=Application StartupNotify=true Categories=GNOME;Settings;DesktopSettings;Utility; Keywords=Configuration;Menu;User; Icon=menulibre X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain=menulibre

5) QT4 Config

!/usr/bin/env xdg-open

[Desktop Entry] Name=Qt4 Config Comment=Configure Qt4 behavior, styles, fonts Exec=qtconfig-qt4 Icon=qt4-logo Terminal=false Type=Application Categories=Qt;Settings; X-Desktop-File-Install-Version=0.22

6)PostInstallerF [Desktop Entry] Name=PostIntallerF GenericName=postinstallerf Comment=PostInstallerF will install all the software that Fedora doesn't include by default, after running Fedora for the first time Icon=/usr/share/icons/Postinstaller1.svg Type=Application Categories=GTK;Utility;System; Exec=/usr/bin/postinstallerf/principal-menu StartupNotify=false

Thanks a lot for your time and your great work!

rudrab commented 7 years ago

Hi, Thanks for your icon request. U am wokring on this. Can you kindly show me the fedy and yad's icon in your default icon pack? I am unable to find how the default icon looks like.

Apopatos commented 7 years ago

Hi, here they are: icons Yad is the bottle in last line, second road.

rudrab commented 7 years ago

Hi, I have pushed the icons. Though I am not sure how good its going to work with Qt apps. Please try and comment.

Apopatos commented 7 years ago

They look great! Thanks a ton and please continue your great work! Donated a few bucks. icons2 icons3

rudrab commented 7 years ago

Thanks a lot for the coffee...that is really encouraging. One thing I realized after seeing your screenshot, that I have done PostinstallerF , it is not working because of its absolute path : Icon=/usr/share/icons/Postinstaller1.svg Please convert it to Icon=Postinstaller1, and it should work.

Apopatos commented 7 years ago

Done! It works now! Thank you!

Apopatos commented 7 years ago

One icon that it seems I forgot, is the LASH Panel. And the default icon looks really ugly!

[Desktop Entry] Name=LASH Panel GenericName=LASH Control Panel Comment=LASH Control Panel Icon=lash Exec=lash_panel Terminal=false Type=Application Categories=AudioVideo;X-Lash;X-Jack;X-AudioVideoTools; X-Desktop-File-Install-Version=0.23

rudrab commented 7 years ago

done and pushed.

rudrab commented 7 years ago

One more thing...I just noticed the flash is not themed in your desktop. But flash is themed in the icon. if you can send me the ,desktop for flash, i can just link it.

Apopatos commented 7 years ago

Thank you, it looks great!

[Desktop Entry] Name=Adobe Flash Player Comment=Preferences for Adobe Flash Player Comment[bg]=Настройки за Adobe Flash Player Comment[ca]=Preferències quant a la Adobe Flash Player Comment[de]=Einstellungen zur Adobe Flash Player Comment[es]=Preferencias para Adobe Flash Player Comment[fr]=Préférences pour Adobe Flash Player Comment[gl]=Preferencias para Adobe Flash Player Comment[nb]=Brukervalg for Adobe Flash Player Comment[nl]=Voorkeuren voor Adobe Flash Player Comment[pl]=Preferencje Adobe Flash Player Comment[pt]=Preferências para a Adobe Flash Player Comment[pt_BR]=Preferências para o Adobe Flash Player Comment[ru]=Настройки для Adobe Flash Player Comment[sk]=Predvoľby pre Adobe Flash Player Comment[sv]=Inställningar för Adobe Flash Player Exec=flash-player-properties Icon=flash-player-properties Terminal=false Type=Application StartupNotify=true Categories=Settings;GNOME;GTK;X-GNOME-PersonalSettings; NotShowIn=KDE;

I created a link with the name flash-player-properties and it works now ;-) icon4

rudrab commented 7 years ago

I created a link with the name flash-player-properties and it works now ;-)

That's great. I have also put it. so, a pull will also do. :)

Apopatos commented 7 years ago
