Closed gionno closed 7 years ago
Hi, Thanks for your request. I will add vmware-player as soon as possible. Nvidia is already themed. check my reply on #77 for more. vmc problem is a generic problem that qt-based apps do not support transparency. I will do a seperate repo for them soon.
here the desktop
vmware player
[Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Name=VMware Player Comment=Run a virtual machine Exec=/usr/bin/vmplayer %u Terminal=false Type=Application Icon=vmware-player StartupNotify=true Categories=System; MimeType=application/x-vmware-vm;application/x-vmware-enc-vm;x-scheme-handler/vmrc;
[Desktop Entry] Type=Application Encoding=UTF-8 Name=NVIDIA X Server Settings Comment=Configure NVIDIA X Server Settings Exec=/usr/bin/nvidia-settings Icon=/usr/share/pixmaps/nvidia-settings.png Categories=Application;Settings;
plus: a problem with vlc: if the application is open the icon change to:
it's a setting of my desktop or is non supported?