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wicd + dhclient + dnsmasq #101

Open ruebenramirez opened 9 years ago

ruebenramirez commented 9 years ago
sudo apt-get install wicd wicd-curses

common wicd problems:

dnsmasq runs off of /run/dnsmasq/resolv.conf for it's upstream DNS servers (any DNS queries it doesn't have an answer for will forward here and beyond)

ruebenramirez commented 9 years ago

after installing wicd, you'll want to disable NetworkManager from launching with system boot (if you don't just remove it from your machine altogether)

in /etc/init/network-manager.conf comment out lines 8 - 10 so that they look like this:

# start on (local-filesystems
#     and started dbus
#     and static-network-up)

Now we just need to kill the current running instance of network-manager service with: sudo stop network-manager

now wicd wont fight with network-manager over who controls the wifi cards.

ruebenramirez commented 9 years ago

by deleting the wired interface name from the "Prefs" menu, it appears that the wired network is no longer configured as the preferred default.