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better scrolling with Logitech M570 in linux #389

Closed ruebenramirez closed 7 years ago

ruebenramirez commented 7 years ago

I bought a Logitech M570, cause awesome thumb mouse! image

Everything works fine, except that the scroll wheel only scrolls a single line per wheel turn. Ideally the wheel should scroll 15 or 20 lines per wheel turn.

In a normal gnome or kde environment I would just jump into a config screen and tweak a dial, but what is the solution in my crazy awesome i3 tiling window manager?

ruebenramirez commented 7 years ago

I recently did a bit of work configuring palm detection with my trackpad using the xinput command and libinput driver.

So I set off the look into the properties of the "Logitech M570" device...

To get the device ID or name:

xinput --list

To get a list of configurable properties for the device:

xinput --list-props "Logitech M570"

There were no settings available for setting the scroll speed, but I was able to tweak the mouse cursor speed for this device through these properties.

So not a total loss.

ruebenramirez commented 7 years ago

imwheel seems to be a thing. man page docs:

It also looks like I control all devices scroll for an app that I regex match. This means that imwheel is great when using external mice, but not so great for the sensitive touchpad.

ruebenramirez commented 7 years ago

ruebenramirez commented 7 years ago mapping ctrl + escape key combo to toggling touchpad on/off

ruebenramirez commented 7 years ago

I tried really hard to get used to the M570, but it was just too much... I ended up returning least I learned a bit about notification systems in linux