rueckstiess / mtools

A collection of scripts to set up MongoDB test environments and parse and visualize MongoDB log files.
Apache License 2.0
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added query pattern extraction on aggregate operation #862

Open PrasannaSM opened 2 years ago

PrasannaSM commented 2 years ago

Issue 861

Description of changes

Added query pattern extraction on aggregate operation


Run mloginfo mongo.log --queries whioch contains aggregate operations as well


namespace                  operation    pattern         count    min (ms)    max (ms)    95%-ile (ms)    sum (ms)    mean (ms)    allowDiskUse
test_db.test_coll1         find        {"field1": 1, "field2": 1, "field3": 1, "field4": 1, "field5": 1}          1         470         470           470.0         470        470.0    None
test_db.test_coll2         aggregate         [{"$match": {"field1": 1}}, {"$unwind": 1}, {"$match": {"field2": {"$ne": 1}, "field3": 1, "field4": 1}}, {"$group": {"Count": {"$sum": 1}, "_id": 1}}]         1         252         252           252.0         252        252.0    None
O/S testing: O/S Version(s)
macOS 12.2