When mlaunch fails to spawn mongod or mongos, it tries to output a log excerpt. This exceprt can be useless in some situations, e.g.:
launching: config server on port 16046
b'{"t":{"$date":"2022-06-23T00:01:17.482Z"},"s":"I", "c":"CONTROL", "id":5760901, "ctx":"-","msg":"Applied --setParam
eter options","attr":{"serverParameters":{"enableTestCommands":{"default":false,"value":true}}}}\nabout to fork child p
rocess, waiting until server is ready for connections.\nforked process: 6585\nERROR: child process failed, exited with
48\nTo see additional information in this output, start without the "--fork" option.\n'
can't start process, return code 48. tried to launch: "/usr/local/m/versions/6.0/mongod" --replSet shard01 --dbpath "/m
nt/zram/mongodb/6.0-scm/shard01/rs1/db" --logpath "/mnt/zram/mongodb/6.0-scm/shard01/rs1/mongod.log" --port 16042 --for
k --setParameter "enableTestCommands=1" --filePermissions "0666" --shardsvr --wiredTigerCacheSizeGB 1
To assist in troubleshooting, print the path to the logfile also.
When mlaunch fails to spawn mongod or mongos, it tries to output a log excerpt. This exceprt can be useless in some situations, e.g.:
To assist in troubleshooting, print the path to the logfile also.