ruffle-rs / ruffle-android

An Android application for
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better toolbar and keyboard #42

Open soundsnow opened 1 year ago

soundsnow commented 1 year ago

background: outline or fill opacity: 0-255 color: RGB0-255

screenshot: outline, 255, white shift and capslock is one key after you input another key grey keys will be transparent (default), but purple keys won't be changed unless tap them again manually landscape portrait press hold

I remember some hotkeys for web browsers Ctrl+R, F5 Refresh page Ctrl+W, Alt+ F4 close page I added them to top toolbar Rufffle bar (toolbar) should be hidden/shown in landscape mode manually by pressing back triangle

soundsnow commented 1 year ago

can you fix this flash game in portrait and landscape

another thing it can't close current swf and open another swf unless force stop this app

soundsnow commented 1 year ago

sorry, my English isn't good add these to toolbar (left side) mute/unmute, play/pause

this should be helpful if you want to play different flash games custom profiles and per game profile

keyboard should be hidden by default because a lot of flash games only support mouse

"SWF URL" should be removed I don't want to backspace "SWF URL" manually every time then paste URL

mouse mode: mouse (move a finger on screen), touchscreen (exact position)

mouse sensitivity if real mouse mode is enabled

touchscreen is enabled by default because of Android phone screen size is less than PC monitor

I tried scare maze, that's too easy. Tap the goal, you passed that level

keep screen on if you're watching a flash animation and you can hide toolbar

add a shortcut to launcher for swf you're playing

soundsnow commented 1 year ago

profiles create new profile

rename profile set a profile as default delete profile edit profile

screen options custom resolution on/off add/remove resolution input width and height scale % screen orientation: default, auto, portrait, landscape screen gravity: default, left, top, center, right, bottom scale type: as is, fit to window, fit to window (ignore aspect ratio) graphics mode: software, hardware (opengl es), hardware (vulkan) force fullscreen on/off

input devices touch input (mouse) on/off add/remove custom layout

virtual keyboard on/off button shape: oval, rectangle, rounded rectangle opacity label color button color (transparent default) outline color

soundsnow commented 1 year ago

keylayout edit keylayout resize

for custom onscreen gamepad and flash lite phones

soundsnow commented 1 year ago


soundsnow commented 1 year ago

there're some java phones supports Flash Lite that's why screen orientation and screen gravity needed for some touchscreen phones, you can play flash games in portrait without its keyboard some phones have extra buttons: ABCD Nokia or SonyEricsson phones you can play a game in portrait or landscape some phones have a 8-way D-Pad instead of 4 arrow keys I didn't find backspace and enter, but nokia phones have these keys often used virtual keyboard for landscape and portrait should be different. like my screenshots keyboard shouldn't be filled with color by default, I can't see background in landscape, It should be transparent. only labels and outline should be filled with colors

soundsnow commented 1 year ago

These 4 smartphones may support Flash Lite They're iPhone's opponents you can find their or more different old phone IMAGES/3DModels on konkurencja-1000x498

soundsnow commented 1 year ago

toolbar, keyboard, mouse cursor, virtual gamepad can be hidden mouse touch or mouse move can be disabled

keyboard, mouse cursor, virtual gamepad color can be changed. transparent default mouse cursor, virtual gamepad size can be changed

why mouse cursor is needed? mouse cursor on/off mouse mode touch: no need commonly unless my hand is too big, and I don't have Samsung S-Pen or Motorola Stylus. They're more accurate than my fingers move: it's necessary because you need to know cursor position. Move on screen like a mouse mat. Cursor position may be not your finger position.

what's mouse mode I'm thinking? move: route is followed by moving direction. you can't make cursor from (1,1) to (4,4) instantly (1,1) (2,2) (3,3) (4,4) touch: route is followed by your finger. you can make cursor from (1,1) to (4,4) instantly or move your finger from one position to another position (1,1) (4,4) or (1,1) (2,2) (3,3) (4,4)

movement keys can be placed at left side or right side of screen for different handed people

2 way paddle (up/down) 2 way paddle (left/right) 4 way dpad 8 way dpad 16 way analog stick 3 way paddle (2 way + center button) 5 way phone controller (dpad+ center button) 9 way phone controller (dpad+ center button) 17 way analog stick (16 way + center button)

pick keys what you need from full size keyboard. 104 keys? pick all keys you need then you can close that window, don't like some apps let user choose only one key then reopen that window to choose next key

Capslock, Numlock, Scrolllock, Shift switchable keys are hidden by default. you can show those keys then pick from them

LCtrl, RCtrl, LAlt, RAlt, LShift, RShift can be picked from key grid

soundsnow commented 1 year ago

Allow add 1 to 4 Paddles/D-Pads/Analog sticks on screen because some flash games support 4 players to play (wireless or one keyboard) left 2 fingers control p1p2, right 2 fingers control p3p4 play fanmade bomberman

rotate animation window 0, CW 90°, 180°, CCW 90°

soundsnow commented 1 year ago

You can switch freely between paddle/dpad/anglog stick, and four players can move in different ways

for example p1: dpad, p2: paddle, p3: analog stick, p4: paddle

center buttons like xbox/ps controller l3 and r3 l3 is left stick button, r3 is right stick button like old java phones, 4 or 8 way + center button

soundsnow commented 1 year ago

canvas color I'm not sure, but some flash games show me pure white background color. It's harmful to my eyes pure black is better

i can't back to animation window page but it's still playing Back to Ruffle home page then you can't back to content page

blackscreen bug: open an animation swf it's playing you tap circle (navigation bar) back to your system home launcher then back to ruffle it's blackscreen. yes it's still playing

soundsnow commented 1 year ago

screen position: top left center right bottom Screenshot_20230701-161310_Trebuchet Screenshot_20230701-161253_Trebuchet Screenshot_20230701-161232_Trebuchet Screenshot_20230701-161142_Trebuchet Screenshot_20230701-161112_Trebuchet Screenshot_20230701-161032_Trebuchet

soundsnow commented 1 year ago

how to open a flash game with many levels 1 game but more than 2 files even many folders for just 1 game some Nitrome games

torokati44 commented 1 year ago

how to open a flash game with many levels 1 game but more than 2 files

That doesn't work yet, sorry. But it is planned of course. No time estimate though...

soundsnow commented 1 year ago

select, cut/copy/paste and clipboard (IME and built-in) cutcopy1 Early year of iPhone OS, Apple showed ushow to copy, cut and paste Today, Windows 11 has its built-in clipboard tool I think they're useful I can copy the Answer of that Question from a website Firefox copy or cut, Ruffle paste or clipboard input or Ruffle copy/cut then paste or clipboard input Sometimes you need to type something too long is possible copy/cut from Flash content? It's used to do something like cheat code, unlock premium levels or easter egg Macro keys are also needed For some fighting games (king of fighters, street fighter fanmade), It allows you to defeat your opponent in a short time

Turbo keys hold to enable that turbo key until you release press to enable that turbo key until you press again

you can also rename turbo, macro or one key i added two keys one run, another is jump they (one key or all keys) can be hidden, shown, deleted, added

soundsnow commented 1 year ago

add turbo, macro, clipboard to toolbar You can add or enter multiple virtual buttons or clipboard sentences at a time. Instead of adding a button and it disappears, you have to click Add and select the button again. Because small screen devices cannot display all functions, you have to click more to open them

soundsnow commented 1 year ago

don't make it refresh recent list or file list this is better for hardware life

i used some apps, after i exit from a opened file, it refresh/rescan all files 29GB. MAME4droid costs me too much time to REscan files so don't scan files automatically scan files automatically when there's no files are shown in list after you scanned files, next time you don't need to rescan them again unless you added or deleted files then scan files manually

For example If someone copied 65GB files from flashpoint to his Android phone. He don't want to Ruffle Android REscan files too many times automatically

soundsnow commented 1 year ago

Can you implement some useful functionality in Adobe Animate?

soundsnow commented 1 year ago

turbo speed, interval, delay

zoom+, zoom- button pinch gesture 0-100% slider+custom inputted value

minium size screenshot original screenshot custom resolution screenshot folder: Pictures/Ruffle or Android/data/ruffle app/screenshot filename: swf filename_time.jpg/.png(or other file format) Dude.swf Dude_20230512-162755.png don't create screenshot folder like some apps, even no pictures but create an empty folder

custom toolbar layout like this show keyboard,more(add button) to add button, more (show keyboard) you can place some toolbar buttons to the best position

key layouts delete add set default rename (default name 0,1,2,3), you can choose from them

soundsnow commented 1 year ago

Different toolbar and others layout for tablets and foldables Phone stylus and Tablet keyboard (famous manufacturer: Samsung?)

soundsnow commented 1 year ago

For different machines, they have different aspect ratio of screen

This is a Vertical/Horizontal (Portrait/Landscape) game It's a phone game made by gameloft Prince of Persia It allows players to change its in-game screen options

Another game called Ikaruga It's an arcade Vertical shooter like Space Invaders It has Sega Dreamcast and Nintendo Switch versions To play Ikaruga home version like Arcade Dreamcast: Buy a rotating monitor, change display settings from horizontal to vertical mode. Rotate your screen Switch: change settings and play that game with Joy-Con or other Wireless controller

Device Orientation: Auto, Portrait, Landscape Screen Rotation: 0, 90°CW, 180°, 90°CCW Screen Position: Left, Top, Center, Bottom Right Notch & Status Bar Screen: On, Off Navigation Bar (Navibar) Screen: On, Off Toolbar: On, Off Virtual Keyboard: Built-in, IME, Off Screen Mouse: Touch, Real-like, Off Mouse Cursor: On, Off

Buttons are not allowed to extend beyond the edge of the screen. A button is not allowed to be covered by another button, it can only be close to the border of another button at most.

Another useful feature comes to mind. For more than two buttons, I don't want to remove them one by one to another position after rotating the screen. Before moving them, I can specify which added adjacent buttons to move, for example I want to move all numbers or all arrows. To move multiple numbers, click "Select" 1234567890 or UpDownLeftRight, then click "Move", and finally click "Finish" There are two ways I recommend providing multiple selection buttons, list checkboxes and clickable multiple buttons. Because some people make the buttons very small, which makes it difficult to precisely select the button that needs to be moved Individual buttons can also be moved individually

Screenshot_20230702-183656_Trebuchet Screenshot_20230702-183537_Trebuchet Screenshot_20230702-183416_Trebuchet

soundsnow commented 1 year ago

These keys are very commonly used, adding multiple keys to the screen at once You can change the size of these overall after adding

slider+input or corner extrude individually 26 letters 10 numbers 17 Numpad keys 4 Arrows: Arrows, 4way Dpad, 8way Dpad

I don't know if other mobile phone OSs (Blackberry, Palm, Windows) support Flash Lite. I know a truth, Nokia S60v3 Symbian OS at least support it Ruffle doesn't support phone keys? Some directional controller is arrows, some D-Pad(8way,4way) with/without OK/Fire(I don't what's it's name) That N97 directional controller left side I know some other controller like trackball,touchpad for mobile phone

Why don't you add Touchpad? Use it like your phone screen, It should support multiple fingers, gestures and others I don't know how to say there're 2 mouse keys for Touchpad at the bottom I think these 2 Touchpad keys can be added on screen individually if you choose Touchpad mode Mouse: Touch, Real-like, Touchpad, Off

That's what? Notebook or Laptop? English isn't my native language

Add a "menu" button to the toolbar, it won't be hidden. After tapping it you can use all the settings without tapping the "More" button in the toolbar All settings are presented as a list, through which you can change/add or remove toolbar buttons and sorting After opening the menu page, the background is transparent, and the player will be paused. You can click the first “resume” to return to the player page, and it will unpause and continue playing On the menu page, you can also replace other swf file or exit (the last one). The bottom three-button navigation bar will also be displayed

menu page like these but more option categories

soundsnow commented 1 year ago

Those are 240x320 These are 320x240 I don't like Rounded Rectangle (Navigation bar, Status bar and Notch) Screenshot_20230702-204823_Trebuchet Screenshot_20230702-204612_Trebuchet Screenshot_20230702-204136_Trebuchet

soundsnow commented 1 year ago

I think you should save one (two total) button layouts each for Landscape and Portrait. Unless your screen has an aspect ratio of 1:1, the display will be messed up after you switch. for example Add Portrait button layout for qweswf, switch to Landscape and it will not be displayed. Because you need to add a new button layout for Landscape

soundsnow commented 1 year ago

Windows 11: Settings - Bluetooth & devices Mouse, Touchpad, Touch (hidden because of Non-Touchscreen?), Pen

I don't have a Windows 11 PC. I think They're useful for Ruffle Android pure white make eyes die earlier Touchpad_settings-1 Touchpad-Settings-Windows-11-1280x830

soundsnow commented 1 year ago

I remember Flash support Camera and Microphone For my Android 12 phone you need to allow Mic access and Camera access permissions But I don't what flash productions support these 2 hardware Windows 11 also support Camera and Microphone, you can add some settings from them I guess ruffle doesn't support them currently, it's used to play games or animations by most people

soundsnow commented 1 year ago

Microphone source: Device Hardware Noise (Non Hardware) Background Music player (Non Hardware)

add a button microphone button

record volume reduce echo

display enable hardware acceleration

camera source: front back I know an open source Game Boy Color emulator GBCC supports 2 cameras for camera cartridge games. It have Google play version and github debug version

if you know more knowledge how about this They're used to do different things front 1, front 2 back 1, back 2, back 3, back 4

soundsnow commented 1 year ago

Toolbar is used like Android's quick setting for quick access, but it can't let you manage all settings you can add or remove some of them on/from toolbar what's QS? How do you enable Mobile data or WiFi?

Touchable/Draggable Scrollbar, Slidable Tabs, Slider+Inputted Value, Switch, Search

Settings Categories

Graphics: Rendering mode, Framerate control, Speed Hacks, Performance, Texture Scaling, Texture Filtering, Google Cardboard VR settings, Camera, Hack settings, Overlay Information

Controls: Controls, On-screen touch controls, Keyboard control settings




System: UI, Flash memory (savedata?), Emulation, General, Flash settings

Search: Find settings

About History/Recent page limit to 10 contents to avoid waste of RAM add a Clear list to bottom of that page

soundsnow commented 1 year ago

Settings subpages top left a back button

manage toolbar like Android Language manager you can sort, add or remove them Screenshot_20230703-092714_Trebuchet Screenshot_20230703-092705_Trebuchet Screenshot_20230703-092652_Trebuchet

back|remove toolbar left|right refresh|menu close|screenshot open|zoom add

you can also access menu page or settings by tapping virtual keyboard cog/gear.

Another thing, remove toolbar "Ruffle" We know its name by the way this will reduce app size Commonly used buttons should be left side of toolbar

I used an app, it scan files faster before Android 11 after updating, it scan files slower that developer optimize code, then it's slower than Android 10, but it's faster than previous Android 11 build. that app is Snes9x EX+, i prepared 4000+ zip files 3GB+ to test So I think optimizations are important if you want to it cost less time to scan a large folder files you can also access chosen folder's subfolders

About "REscan Automatically" don't do that automatically, it's harmful to hardware life. this is what I recommend

choose a folder (scanning), show file list force stop and reopen app, show file list (not scanning) if you want to rescan, you can access its subfolder then back to that folder or stay current folder, tap rescan button

what i don't want to be happened rescan folder after open app everytime rescan folder after you exit from a content rescan when you're searching

soundsnow commented 1 year ago

record or expert to videos (music and no music), music or pictures (including gif, Vector format)

macro keyboard virtual button or real hardware macro mouse virtual button or real hardware

if you bought some expensive gaming mouse, you'll see those keys as far as i know, some styluses also have shortcut

Magic Touch by Nitrome This game is so hard

difficulty Touchpad hard Mouse normal Touchscreen easy graphics tablet+stylus easy

but it will be faster and faster so virtual button mouse macro is needed

first, you need to tap toolbar pause button to pause it select mouse status: hold leftkey then draw U O V C Z N M and more. move these virtual buttons on screen disable mouse to avoid screen mouse behavior you can unpause after drawing first, wait for next draw second then unpause wait for next draw third finally, you only need to do is tap buttons

mouse macro tools allow users redo, undo, 2 points connect to a line, leftkey hold/release/click (step by step or full steps), teleport (click/hold/release)

you can specify which line is hold or release (move only)

what's teleport? Scary Maze: you're cheating (actually some touchscreens support this, it's not cheating) (56,29) to (96,87) within 1 frame

how to draw a good line? line tool, first point to second point choose how you draw? hold leftkey or just move mouse to second point! if you did something wrong, undo and redo.

soundsnow commented 1 year ago

does it support multitouch? I know modern smartphones support it

about flash Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10.1, AIR 2, Flash Lite 4 The Multitouch class manages and provides information about the current environment's support for handling contact from user input devices, including contact that has two or more touch points (such as a user's fingers on a touch screen).

soundsnow commented 1 year ago

I know some flash games have AIR version, Rusty Lake and Cube Escape series Just make them easy to play like their Android AIR version Why they're AIR? their google play id

soundsnow commented 1 year ago

Starling Framework GPU Accelerated I didn't see any Hardware Render option, it's software? Vulkan and OpenGL ES Angry Birds should support made with Starling should support Multitouch Pinch Zoom in/out Angry Birds Friends Facebook(Adobe Flash) I guess this game requires network because of facebook Incredipede Adobe Flash (demo version)

soundsnow commented 1 year ago

Please don't add the Settings button to the toolbar by default i have a better idea You can open its page through the Settings button on the virtual keyboard Menu(NonSettings) - Settings - Virtual Keyboard At the same time, the content will be paused, and it will resume after closing the Settings page Press Back on the Navibar to enter the Menu page You can also add Settings button to Toolbar in Menu - Settings - Toolbar, it will go directly to Menu - Settings

On the Settings related page, click Back on the Navibar to enter the previous page For example: Toolbar>back>Settings>back>Menu>Animation window There is a Back button in the upper left corner of these pages. If the Back button on your Navibar fails or the Navibar disappears, you can tap the built-in back button. There is a button to close the page on all pages, which will take you directly back to the playback page Please do not add Resume to the Menu page, because there is already a Close Page button For example: Menu - Settings - Toolbar>close page>Animation window

You can customize the number of buttons on the left and right side of the toolbar separately Use Slider+Value Slider can prevent some people from uninstalling IME with Root (Magisk) permission or unworking buggy IME. Value can also be entered directly When the screen cannot display all toolbar buttons, the buttons arranged behind will be hidden and displayed as More button, and there can be at most two More button on the screen

soundsnow commented 1 year ago

Custom limit the number of toolbar buttons If my usual toolbar buttons only have 5, but I add a total of 14 toolbar buttons Left: 2/5, Right: 4/9 The 3 toolbar buttons on the left will be displayed as more button, and the 5 toolbar buttons on the right will be displayed as more button Commonly used buttons are arranged in front and displayed, buttons that are not commonly used but will be used will be hidden as more button

soundsnow commented 1 year ago

I almost forgot this not only computer keyboard number line 10 keys QWERTY 26 keys Arrows 4 keys numpad 17 keys but also mobile phone T9 12 keys and Its directional controller+ok button groups can be added and resize on screen directly

soundsnow commented 1 year ago

can you allow us to rotate built-in button groups and custom button groups? some games support rotating monitor

I'm not sure about PC Flash games but if you have a wireless keyboard, that should be possible. Although it's anti-human

built-in T9 keypad or D-Pad+Ok controller For mobile phones, many flash games support that Positions 0: up, right+up, right, right+down, down, left+down, left, left+up, OK CW90°: left, left+up, up, right+up, right, right+down, down, left+down, OK 180°: down, left+down, left, left+up, up, right+up, right, right+down, OK CCW90°: right, right+down, down, left+down, left, left+up, up, right+up, OK

0: 123,456,789,x0o CW90°: x741,0852,o963 180°: o0x,987,654,321 CCW90°: 369o,2580,147x

star and sharp can't be shown here because of github markdown so I changed them as "x" and "o"

add our own button groups one button group includes many (more than 2) buttons. they're not built in button groups, they're all user added you can resize or rotate button in one button group you selected you can also add more buttons to an existing button group, or remove buttons in one button group you can rename/add/remove a button group (and its buttons) directly

if only one button, rotate it isn't needed

soundsnow commented 1 year ago

mouse auto clicker like turbo keys hold or tap to turn on/off interval, speed

i watched a video he's throwing money to a box 3000+ money in box, that game will tell you a truth: you're cheating, try again with your own finger

soundsnow commented 1 year ago

another situation you can add more positions make mouse to click or touchscreen gestures

for example position 1, position 2, position 3 tap a button to click from position 1 to 3, you can set how many times it will run

away from keyboard AFK away from touchscreen keep screen on

soundsnow commented 1 year ago

Nitrome must die is a very hard flash game I don't have much time to complete it it has 101 levels (floors in-game tower) after I finish 10 floors killed a boss, it will save my progress that's checkpoint? if you don't delete its "cache?", you can close that game reopen that game, you start from 11 floor but i didn't see ruffle generate any files so if NMD is supported, its gamesave data can't be saved?

I don't know how many files flash player create, and what's their file format

data is more than 2 files ruffle/saves/Nitrome Must Die(Original filename: Nitrome Must Die.swf)/?.? ruffle/saves/Nitrome Must Die(Original filename: Nitrome Must Die.swf)/?.?

data is only 1 file ruffle/saves/Nitrome Must Die.?

soundsnow commented 1 year ago

quick find touchable scrollbar

you're a windows users? you may know this trick open file manager, 999 files/folders in one directory how to find your file/folder quickly? I mean don't search anything I want to find dogs.png file/floder, Keyboard "D", Now you can browse files/folders from files start with"D"

For touchable scrollbar, you can add indicators to it 1234567890sharpstarABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ

alphabetical order only available

soundsnow commented 1 year ago

I played some Windows PC 3D games control the character to sprint with Shift+W W is walk slowly but it's not suitable to do that on touchscreen left side of screen, use your 2 fingers? I know GTA4 gives me 2 solutions

  1. Hold (Hold Shift to sprint)
  2. Toggle (Press Shift to sprint/walk)

This is also useful to play as a sniper You need to hold right mousekey to enable scope? left mousekey to shoot but before that, you have to wait for target get to the best position I don't like to hold one key for a long time, that make fingers tired you can set keyboard/mouse keys as hold or toggle mode

Does flash support 3D games? I know some Java mobile games are made with Mascot Capsule 3D game engine So i guess there's some flash games are 3D but where's OpenGL ES and Vulkan? Software Render only?

soundsnow commented 1 year ago

custom palette possible? some flash games are 1bit the big adventure of owata's life its most levels are blackwhite, hidden levels have more colors but its background is pure white, my eyes!!! OLED screen: my battery power!!! my life!!! I'll die earlier is possible to make ruffle allow user to change/edit colors to our own favorites

soundsnow commented 1 year ago

Add some optimizations for modern Android phones What? Non-Touchscreen Keypad (HTC Dream like or T9) Android phones I know some manufacturers are still selling these Japanese Android phones (Non-Touchscreen) Qin (Duoqin) Android phones in China (Non-Touchscreen KaiOS phones, I know it's not Android OS. But it proved someone needs non-touchscreen.

can you remove or make some unnecessary codes be shorter to reduce app size? Ruffle rust upstream and Java frontend

These are made for old touchscreen phones and old touchscreen mobile PCs support Flash and Flash Lite

Input methods:

soundsnow commented 1 year ago

I made a simple file list preview cancel search, search bar, search you can search files under current folder, not including subfolders you can also input SWF URL to search search bar is used to search folders (current path only) , files(current path only) and SWF URL if you want to clear all you inputted, tap clear search button

it should support non serious search like this Hungry Dinosaur non serious: gry di serious: hungry

you can tap and back to any folder you opened before like this Files/center/map/weak/fifth/love i opened so many directories tap weak back to that path, and close fifth and love paths then it will be Files/center/map/weak

file list shows device/flash types, folders, AS (ActionScript) versions Does Ruffle support more information like developer and game version? your file/folder name is too long? warp words!

touchable scrollbar won't be shown because of a few files

you can also access settings image1

soundsnow commented 1 year ago

does ruffle support ff(fast-forward)and slow motion? more than 1.00 speed and less than 1.00 speed custom value+slider, they can't be 1.00 or 0 add these virtual buttons on screen or toolbar tap ff it's 4.5 speed, tap again it's 1.00 speed tap sm it's 0.35 speed, tap again it's 1.00 speed tap ff then tap sm, it will change speed from 4.5 to 0.35, then sm again it's 1.0 speed

soundsnow commented 1 year ago

i don't like to import files to Android/data, because they will be deleted if you uninstall this app saves and some other files can be export or share to others if 2 people are playing same game. Another one want your save files to unlock extra or paid levels (twin shot?)

soundsnow commented 1 year ago

you can hide buttons and button groups one by one or hide them all directly using checkbox (De)Select All

soundsnow commented 1 year ago

Frame Selector Seeker Duration FPS counter (lefttop, righttop, leftbottom, rightbottom)

Choose a frame from previous or next or far away from this frame allow auto pause for something like screenshot Can you add some seemed useless keys to key selector and virtual button group? F keys, top keys of arrows PrintScreen, i remember it's used to copy screenshot to clipboard or save a screenshot Ctrl(L or R), Alt(L or R), Shift(L or R)+ F keys I'm not sure, mouse rightkey is useful?

you can rotate (all degrees clockwise and counterclockwise, not only 90°,180°), zoom in and zoom out, mute, ff,sm, take screenshot, generate svg,gif,png while it's paused

I remember I used a unofficial flash video player to play Nitrome Must Die I can see its almost all animations Aother thing is amazing, I didn't get passed first 10 bosses I get in floor 101 to face Nitrome Boss(Mat?) directly does ruffle support these?

If you don't know how to make a video player UI, I recommend VLC Android

soundsnow commented 1 year ago

flash file manager vs cache manager? I remember when the computer was saving or displaying too much resources for a Flash game, the player would freeze/"laggy" a lot. The solution is to reduce the browser window (resolution) or reduce the quality or delete the cache? I don't know what those files are called. It seems that their file names are randomly generated. They seem to contain the progress data of the game. They cannot be deleted unless necessary. Can you add a file manager, you can export captured resources, data files and configuration/profile files, or delete them to move their paths, and you can also create or delete your own folders