ruffle-rs / ruffle

A Flash Player emulator written in Rust
15.4k stars 798 forks source link

Does not load - #15010

Open wsxarcher opened 7 months ago

wsxarcher commented 7 months ago

Describe the bug

Reach 100% and stops

ERROR core/src/avm2/ Error dispatching event EventObject(EventObject { type: "complete", class:, ptr: 0x47a688 }) to handler FunctionObject(FunctionObject { ptr: 0x8f7a30, name: Ok("Loading/onLoaderComplete()") }) : RustError("A script in this movie has taken too long to execute and has been terminated.")

Expected behavior

Load the game

Content Location Found in the iframe in (does not load here because of the flash check)

Affected platform

Browser's extension

Operating system

Window 11


Edge/Chrome 120

Additional information

This game is part of a bigger effort to support games. There might be other issues with this website, from how it handles Flash checks and many CORS issues. Unfortunately, some games cannot be easily debugged on desktop because the swf download other swf or do requests while logged in.

If Ruffle is not detected try to reload the page multiple times because of the known race condition on the Flash check. To avoid refreshing try this Tampermonkey user script 一键下载 flash 游戏 (

To solve these issues refers to previous issues such as:

wsxarcher commented 6 months ago

Increasing the execution time loads further and crash revealing a more useful strack trace

ERROR core\src\avm2\ Error dispatching event EventObject(EventObject { type: "addedToStage", class:, ptr: 0x39057a0 }) to handler FunctionObject(FunctionObject { ptr: 0x2e6e700, name: Ok("main/loadCodeSwfComplete()") }) : TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties. (accessing field: catch_cat_check_const)  at main/loadCodeSwfComplete()   at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/flash::display::DisplayObjectContainer::addChild() at Loading/onTotalLoadComplete()    at    at Loading::LoaderControl/load()    at Loading::LoaderControl/onLoaderComplete()
wsxarcher commented 3 months ago

Black screen after loading

WARN core\src\display_object\ Error loading ABC file: ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable data.medal::MedalData is not defined.  at data.medal::MedalModel() at data.medal::MedalModel$cinit()   at global$init() [TU=data/medal/MedalModel]
69.js:1049 WARN core\src\display_object\ Error loading ABC file: ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable cfg::GlobalResource_TOOLTIP is not defined. at cfg::GlobalResource$cinit()  at global$init() [TU=cfg/GlobalResource]
69.js:1049 WARN core\src\display_object\ Error loading ABC file: ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable common::MaskWord is not defined.    at utils::StringUtil$cinit()    at global$init() [TU=utils/StringUtil]
69.js:1049 WARN core\src\display_object\ Error loading ABC file: ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable data::PlayerList is not defined.    at data.player::PlayerModel$cinit() at global$init() [TU=data/player/PlayerModel]
69.js:1049 WARN core\src\display_object\ Error loading ABC file: ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable org.osflash.signals::Signal is not defined. at signal::SignalManager$cinit()    at global$init() [TU=signal/SignalManager]
69.js:1049 WARN core\src\display_object\ Error loading ABC file: ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable data.propData::PropList is not defined. at data.propData::NewPropDataList$cinit()   at global$init() [TU=data/propData/NewPropDataList]
69.js:1049 WARN core\src\display_object\ Error loading ABC file: ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable utils::HashMap is not defined.  at data::MonsterList()  at data::GameData$cinit()   at global$init() [TU=data/GameData]
69.js:1049 WARN core\src\display_object\ Error loading ABC file: ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable utils::HashMap is not defined.  at cfg::staticCFG$cinit()   at global$init() [TU=cfg/staticCFG]
69.js:1049 WARN core\src\ Encountered stub: AVM2 flash.utils.Dictionary constructor with weak keys
69.js:1049 WARN core\src\ Encountered stub: AVM2 flash.display.Loader.load() addChild at the correct time
69.js:1049 WARN core\src\ Encountered stub: AVM2 flash.display.Stage.fullScreenWidth getter
69.js:1049 WARN core\src\ Encountered stub: AVM2 flash.display.Stage.fullScreenSourceRect setter

imports.wbg.__wbg_fetch_c4b6afebdb1f918e @ 69.js:1682
$<ruffle_web::navigator::WebNavigatorBackend as ruffle_core::backend::navigator::NavigatorBackend>::fetch::{{closure}}::h8d02aa2bc243d3a4 @ ruffle_web.wasm-034ca912:0x342f82
$ruffle_core::loader::Loader::wait_for_full_response::{{closure}}::h308702f32544370c @ ruffle_web.wasm-034ca912:0x652171
$ruffle_core::loader::Loader::load_url_loader::{{closure}}::hdd52a7c0aa4520ad @ ruffle_web.wasm-034ca912:0x7165b2
$<ruffle_web::navigator::WebNavigatorBackend as ruffle_core::backend::navigator::NavigatorBackend>::spawn_future::{{closure}}::habc3c10708c69a2f @ ruffle_web.wasm-034ca912:0x468633
$wasm_bindgen_futures::queue::Queue::new::{{closure}}::ha6526292a10cc5a5 @ ruffle_web.wasm-034ca912:0x7b1679
$<dyn core::ops::function::FnMut<(A,)>+Output = R as wasm_bindgen::closure::WasmClosure>::describe::invoke::h2d5da1b6d8f5efbb @ ruffle_web.wasm-034ca912:0xa26acc
__wbg_adapter_89 @ 69.js:353
real @ 69.js:310
69.js:1049 WARN core\src\display_object\ Error loading ABC file: ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable com.junkbyte.console.core::Executer is not defined. at com.junkbyte.console.core::CommandLine$cinit()   at global$init() [TU=com/junkbyte/console/core/CommandLine]
69.js:1049 WARN core\src\display_object\ Error loading ABC file: ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable utils::ColorMatrix is not defined.  at utils::ColorTool$cinit() at global$init() [TU=utils/ColorTool]
69.js:1049 WARN core\src\display_object\ Error loading ABC file: ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable utils.easing::Bounce is not defined.    at utils.easing::TweenTpye$cinit()  at global$init() [TU=utils/easing/TweenTpye]
69.js:1049 ERROR core\src\avm2\ Error dispatching event EventObject(EventObject { type: "addedToStage", class:, ptr: 0x2ddabd0 }) to handler FunctionObject(FunctionObject { ptr: 0x34e9f58, name: Ok("main/loadCodeSwfComplete()") }) : TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties. (accessing field: catch_cat_check_const)   at main/loadCodeSwfComplete()   at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/flash::display::DisplayObjectContainer::addChild() at flash.display::Stage/addChild()  at Loading/onTotalLoadComplete()    at    at Loading::LoaderControl/load()    at Loading::LoaderControl/onLoaderComplete()